
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Things to Love

1. Dad is feeling pretty much like his old self again. It's amazing how the man just had a stint put in his heart less than a week ago, and today he's out running errands. C-R-A-Z-Y! He's my very favorite guy and I'm beyond thankful for his (so far) speedy recovery. I feel like I can exhale deeply....until December 6th when he goes back for a check up.

2. TODAY IS MY FRIDAY AT WORK! I'm off tomorrow to go see the Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 1 and do a little shopping with one of my good friends. I'm excited! I can tell it's my Friday, and that I desperately need it to be my Friday, because I left the house this morning with my shirt on backwards and my watch upside down. On the drive to work I kept wandering why my shirt felt tight in the boobs and my watch didn't fasten right. Things that make you go hmmm....

3. We are less than ONE MONTH away from Skye's official graduation date from the police academy (28 days to be exact). Hallelujah!! From December until April our world will be a whirlwind of changing shifts and training officers, but after April we will be able to start getting used to his new schedule and begin to adjust accordingly. Plus, I'm so majorly proud of him for doing this! These 6 months have flown by!

4. Jodi Picoult - Love, love, love her books! I have read 2 of her books in the past 2 weeks. It's funny how sometimes I can't find the time to do jack shit, but get my nose stuck in a book and I can't put the damn thing down! Last week I was hooked on The Tenth Circle, and this week I'm addicted to Perfect Match. Her writing is so intriguing and there are always so many twists and turns to keep you guessing. Fair warning though, her books are always centered around high controversial public topics. For example, The Tenth Circle was focused around the rape the of a teenage girl, and Perfect Match is about child molestation. Those sound like disgusting topics, but the story is usually told from multiple points of view and cause you to question your own beliefs and put yourself in the character's position. If you are looking for a new read, I would highly suggest you start on her!

5. This Luke Bryan it!

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