
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

{InstaLOVE} Weekend Recap

I've grown quite fond of doing these little Instagram Weekend Recaps. It's a really fun way to show off a little bit about my real life to you. I hope you like it too! (I think you do because I always get sweet comments!) If you are new to my blog then come find me on there, it's my favorite hang out these days, {@Nikkib918} I had a really great weekend - and judging by those of you that I also follow on Insta, you did too! Even though Skye had to work the whole time, I still managed to get A LOT done around the house. Funny how that always seems to happen when he's away! And I still found time to hang with him since he was on day shift, and get in a little lake time.

A little update on my doggy day care situation, we are getting rid of our little friend Ty tomorrow because his family will be back in town. I hate to say I'm thankful to see him go, but it's true! He has proceeded to try and hump Tilly every chance he gets and I will NOT be having that! Skye makes fun of me and says they can't help it, it's their natural instincts. However, this doggy mama is not watching her girl get nailed by the neighbor's dog. Sorry for the crudeness there. Not sure if all this action has triggered her hormones or what but last night I caught her humping him too. He has corrupted my sweet Tilly! Thankfully, they are both fixed so no worries about little pups running around. It was quite the interesting situation at my house this weekend!

The blur of action with 2 fighting vs. humping crazy ass dogs - Bye Bye tomorrow Ty!
My previously innocent one, who has now lost her virginity
Found this in BRIDES Magazine over the weekend, I think it's probably true!

My broski  - excuse the lake hair in all my lake pics please!

My getaway

My weekend reading material - finished all the mags, still working on the last couple chapters of the that book.
I feel like it's NEVER taken me this long to read a book before.

Something Sweet - McAlister's Tea - hits the spot every time!

How was YOUR weekend?? Did you have any hormonal dogs to manage?? haha I sure hope not! I have a wedding update coming for you this week - which makes me very excited to be making progress!



  1. I would have given ANYTHING to be on a lake this weekend. Instead I was drenched in sweat in humid Omaha. Glad you had an awesome weekend girl.

  2. I was literally laughing out loud reading this!!

    Poor Tilly is RUINED now! Doesn't she know you can't give it away that easy!!


    Glad you had a nice wknd! No RHONJ this week...a bigger reason to look forward to this Sunday.

  3. No hormonal dogs, thank heavens! I'm just getting into instagram and it is kind of fun. Much easier and cheaper than scrapbooking. My husband and I are the two least productive people ever when we are together. He is productive on his own. Me?! A lazy bones.

  4. My youngest lab humps my 13 year olds head. Not the body the head. It's a very bizarre doggy porno. But I would probably could handle it if I ate McAlisters potato salad every single day.

  5. Love the lake pic! My happy place for sure!

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful time...yay :)

  7. I'm currently planning a wedding, but I've never stopped to count how many hours I've been spending on it. I definitely spend a lot of time thinking about all of the little details! Does that count??

    Love your blog! :)


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!