
Thursday, May 24, 2012

ITS OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays
This is my first time linking up with Amber & Neely for ITS OK Thursdays. I've seen lots of people link up with them and I needed a post for today so TA-DAH here ya go.

That I can't decide on a wedding venue to save my life! (I want to have 10 weddings so I can do one at each venue!)

To agree to dogsit AGAIN and then regret it almost instantly

To be behind on reading/commenting on blogs...I feel like my reader constantly expands and I can't keep up - how do you deal with that??

To want to be a stay-at-home doggy mama

To be a Pinterest addict

To be the only person in the blogging world to have not ready 50 Shades of Grey YET, I have it just haven't had time to read it yet

To eat an egg mcmuffin for breakfast, even though I really need to be watching what I eat

To unable anonymous comments on your blog

To be sad that Duck Dynasty is over for this season

To want to have an adult beverage every night

To be proud of Skye's career, yet loathe his rotating schedule at the same time

To want to invite my blog friends to my wedding :)



  1. I am super sad Duck Dynasty is over! My H and I didn't discover it until a few weeks ago, but we caught up on the season thanks to OnDemand. Can't wait for next season!

    Cute link up! I am going to join! :)

  2. Good luck with finding a wedding venue! That was hard for me too. But in actuality, just remember to pick the best one all around, and that suits your guests. Everything will be perfect, no worries!

  3. I love this post and I feel the same way about wedding planning all together right now! Also, thanks for all your recent sweet comments.
    Much Love!

  4. I haven't read 50 shades of grey either. I'm not sure if I'm going to. I'm kind of a prude! We will all be with you in spirit on your wedding day. I can't wait to see the location you pick!

  5. Anonymous comments can be totally lame, I stopped allowing them on my blog and that is totally okay.

  6. I CRIED THAT DUCK DYNASTY IS OVER and love an adult bevy at night!!! New follower from the linkup!

  7. You're not the only one who hasn't read 50 Shades! I promised my husband I wouldn't buy any more books until I finish the ones I's so hard because I hear everyone reading it...ahhh.

  8. I haven't read 50 Shades either. And probably won't. I do well to read In Style magazine within a week of buying it. I am also with you on the stay at home doggy mom. I vote for that.

  9. aw it is tough deciding on a wedding venue! one thing that may help is consider the relative location of hotels, restaurants and things to do if you have guests coming from out of town. and if you have a particular place you want your rehearsal dinner, you probably don't want it TOO far from the venue.

    i haven't read 50 shades of grey either... i think im going to start it this weekend though!

  10. I have yet to read 50 Shades of Grey too, I'm slightly frightened of it haha! And I definitely had a bacon, egg, & cheese bagel from McD's yesterday, totally agree its ok. It was de-freaking-licious!

  11. It's not have a wedding venue picked just yet bc the "one" will just jump out at you (and it may even be one you've already seen) and I agree with everyone elses comments regarding how it will come to you ;)
    It's be behind on blog reading/commenting...we know you are human (the blogs that I want to read every day are those that come to my email inbox)
    It's want to be a stay at home doggy mama AND be a Pinterest addict (My name is Taylor and I have a Pinterest addiction too)
    It's are not the only one who has not read the 50 Shades of Grey...I will be a part of the group who plans not to read it ;) So you're good cause you want to read it. :)
    It's want to invite all your bloggy friends to your wedding. I agree with the person who said we'll all be there in spirit and we'll all live vicariously through all your planning and pictures :)
    Hugs to you Sweet Friend! Great post!

  12. I wanna be a stay at home doggie mommy too!!!! You'll have to make a pro & con list for your wedding venues!

    Have a wonderful weekend love!

  13. ALL of these are ok! I especially agree with being a stay at home dog mommy! Can I join you at that?

    I also haven't read 50 Shades yet and I secretly love Duck Dynasty (all the episodes are saved on my DVR!)


  14. I have an adult beverage almost every night- is that bad? I think I read somewhere that it's actually good for you (I cut it out and put it somewhere!). Annnnd I haven't read 50 yet either. Oh wells.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  15. Oh my goodness = I'm addicted to Pinterest, too! And it is totally ok to want to invite your bloggy friends to a wedding. Just sit them next to people who don't know you did that. That way when they ask "How long have you known the bride?" your bloggy friends can say "We just met today!" Haha!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!