
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday's Letters - Welcome back! I heart you and I missed you! Everyone go check out Ashley's new blog design too- it looks FAB!  Dear people who are working on my car - please hurry up and let me know if it's totaled. I'm having a panic attack balancing between thinking about getting a new car, but trying not to my hopes up too much. Dear new wedding date of 4.27.13 - hello! Nice to meet you, I prefer a May date, but hopefully you will be perfect for us. Luckily, everything has been easy to change. Dear Skye - if you ever call me and tell me that we have to change our wedding date again...I might slit your throat!....kidding...sort of... Dear Workout Routine - we MUST meet again like real soon, as in tonight. I'm not doing a good job managing my stress this week with my car, new wedding date and Skye's work schedule recently. Me + you = date at the gym! Dear Lake Season - you are quickly disappearing and we need to meet again just a few more times before summer is gone. Dear Vols - I'm so excited for the first home game, let's get it done this week against Georgia State!


  1. I need to get back on the work out wagon too! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I can't believe homeboy went and changed your date on your like that. He's lucky you love him!

  3. oh no - sorry your wedding date keeps getting moved and your poor car!!

    go get a good workout in and then have an awesomely lazy friday!! i'm going to try to squeeze in a few more pool days around here too :)

  4. Wait why did you have to change your date? Id have killed him

  5. O my goodness girl! You have had a heck of a week. So great that the change in date has gone smoothly!!

  6. OMG - why did you have to change your wedding date? That is going to be here in no time! I definitely need to get in a few more lake sessions before summer ends too!

  7. Yay for your wedding being closer!!! But why did you have to change it?

    Happy Friday!

  8. I would've went ballistic if I was told I had to change my wedding date! What happened?? Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart
    Win a Mint Green Statement Necklace!

  9. That just means you'll get to your honeymoon that much quicker :) Hope you have a great weekend girl!

  10. april is still a great month!!! your date is exactly one month before my 28th bday....haha! are you doing any wedding things this weekend??!

  11. I hope they can fix your car. How annoying! Have a good weekend!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  12. Good luck w your workout routine I am getting going again. Struggling but trying! Have a great weekend!

  13. that e card is cute!!!

  14. Ooh new fun wedding date! Congrats!!! No take backs ;)


  15. I moved my wedding date back a year. Then up a week and then we had to move it again. We ended up getting married on my wedding day.

  16. I didn't do my Friday Letter's and I'm totally bummed. I did one last week only to find out there was no linkup! Loved your letters though...except the one to TN! Go dawgs : )

  17. Dear Nikki, have a great weekend! Lets Go Vols!

  18. Don't you just love football season!!!?????

  19. I have been training for marathon which would make yout hink I am killing it, but I can't work out inbetween my runs and my runs just make me super duper hungry so it might sound crazy but I have gained weight! hahaha I can't wait for the marathon to be over so I can back into my regular work out routine! haha

  20. I need to make a date with Mister workout myself

  21. april will be here before you know it! exciting!

  22. Ooooh!! April 27th... 3 days before my birthday (which in my opinion, is like the BEST day in the whole entire world ;-)) Hopefully that will be one gorgeous day for you!! I always felt like the end of April was so gorgeous in Kansas-- spring in full force!!

    And let's not talk about how summer is ending, okay? I didn't get on the lake near enough times as I alllllways hope to each summer :-(


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!