
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Currently - June Edition

Listening - Obsessed with Jason Aldean's songs Driving Around Song & Night Train. Counting down the days until LB's Crash My Party comes out - 46 if you are interested.
Eating - I cannot get enough Mexican food these days. The strange part about this is, I used to HATE Mexican food. Like refused to eat it. Now all this girl wants is Mexican and a marg.
Drinking - I've acquired a love for BL Platinum. If we are being honest, it was on sale at the grocery store a couple weeks ago so I bought it and now I quite like it. See, I even was drinking it last night while I was going stir crazy in my house rearranging all my jewelry.

Wearing - Dresses pretty much every day. I have a new obsession with maxis. It's just so humid here in the summer that I don't like to wear pants. I really don't ever want to wear pants, but sometimes you gotta. Dresses are much more comfy and flattering too.
Reading - Just finished Delirium by Lauren Oliver & Women Food & God by Geneen Roth (which I have a whole post planned to tell you guys about). Next Up is Beautiful Redemption.

Feeling - I have a lot to look forward to and like I said the other day I'm pretty content with where my life is right now. Even though there are still plenty of kinks to be worked out, I am blessed and I know it. The only truly negative thing going on in my life is my mom's declining health (say prayers girls!)

Weather - It's that point in the summer where it's mid-high 80's with a chance of rain every day. Hello humidity! I'm just hoping for clear weather for Fire on the Water on Saturday!

Wanting - A VACATION! I need some salt, sun and sand in my life. I heard a little rumor that my grandparents are taking Dylan & I in September so fingers crossed that's true!
Thinking - I need a nap. I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep today. But I'm getting my hair done tonight and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to fresh blonde! Ready for girl's craft night at my house on Friday too & a weekend on the lake with fireworks.
Enjoying - Three new shows I got hooked on while I was at home with pink eye the past couple of days - Mistresses, Rizzoli & Isles and Pretty Wicked Moms. Pretty Wicked Moms reminds me of a Real Housewives wannabe, but the wives are annoying.


  1. Still craving Mexican too! I've worn dresses pretty much every day the last two weeks. I plan to keep wearing them if it stays so darn hot. I hope the rumor is true about your grandparents & the beach! I also love Rizzoli and Isles and have started watching the Pretty Wicked Moms. PWM is a train wreck, but I can't stop watching it! Praying hard for your mama!!!! And ps: 3 more weeks!!! ;o)

  2. Chips, salsa, cheese dip, and margs blogger meetup in STL! hahahah.

  3. THAT SONG! in love with Jason Aldean!

  4. I love Mexican Food too! It is my favorite food. I watched one episode of Pretty Wicked Moms and couldn't watch anymore..they are a bit cray!

  5. A. I CANNOT wait for LBs album to come out!!!

    B. Im with ya on the mexican food. I could eat it everyday but then my hips would be even huger than theyre now!! (huger?....)

    C. I HATE PANTS!!!! I cant stand them.

  6. Prayers for your Mama. Also- how did I not know that Luke Bryan's next album is out in August?! Ack.

    I love mexican food and a good margarita. Oddly enough my parents met in a mexican restaurant they both worked in when they were teenagers. (I should preface that by saying they are both italian though ha)

  7. I used to hate mexican too- pregnancy changed that for me- and man I'm glad I did! One night I will make my enchilads (They are sooo good) and you and Lauren will have to come over and eat them and have margaritas!

  8. so, ive become obsessed with mexican food ever since i went there. i just want to make pico de gallo so bad! thats a great song, just listening for the first time.

    can i tell you - i was so turned off by "mistresses" preview, but my mother in law told me it was really good. i gave it a shot and really like it now!!!

  9. Enjoy your hair apt! I always look forward to my appts too and I love how you feel like a new woman after!! We are having the same weather and I HATE it. I'm also on a maxi kick. Must get more. And I'm going to pretend I didn't just ready about Mex on here again - still saving it for a cheat!

  10. I would like to put that home is where the pants aren't sign right next to my apartment door.

    I LIVE in dresses too.

  11. I am wearing pants today and no me gusta. I have SO been craving Mexican food lately! I had to talk myself out of Chipotle last night... (I still ate like shit anyways. I should have just gone!) I need some guac asap!

  12. I HATE this humidity!! Pisses me off ha My hair is so dang frizzy today! Sure wasn't before I left the house this morning, ha! I could eat Mexican everyday!

  13. Mmm Mexican food is so yummy! It's been so hot here that it is almost too hot for maxis lately.

    The Tiny Heart

  14. I've been wearing tons of dresses recently too. Comfy, easy, and cute! Can't go wrong

  15. I have been on a total mexican kick lately. We went twice last weekend. It was really great for my bridal diet, ha

  16. I'm all about dresses in the summer. All about them!!

  17. I can't wait for LB's new album. so very excited!

    Mistresses is my new guilty pleasure show. its horribly bad, but I love it.

  18. I love Mexican food too! So good! Sending prayers out for your Mom. That show cracks me up when I see the commercials for it, train wreck in 5,4,3,2,1!

  19. god i love mexican!

    prayers for your momma.

    and did i hear you are coming to STL!!!!!!!

  20. LOVE me some mexican, but you already knew that.

    & uh who like pants...NO ONE!!!!!

    Praying for your momma love!!

  21. i am loving his song 1994 and pretty wicked moms what channel is that on?? hope you get a nap today but fresh hair is important, maybe you can snooze a little during your appointment, i tend to nod off a bit

  22. I preordered the LB cd. yep, i'm that cray.

    how about a countdown til you see me. uhhh 3 days before the LB cd is released, so 43 days!!!
    i cannot even wait!!!! You are making this the best birthday EVERRRRR!!

    I've never had platinum. I don't like BL tho.

  23. ps. praying for your mom!!! <3 keep me updated!!

  24. Prayers for your mama sweet girl! I hope you enjoy your weekend on the lake, I am so jealous! xo

  25. Many thoughts and prayers for your momma!

    Love the Jason Aldean song

    and the 'home is where the pants aren't' ain't that the truth!!! :)

  26. Prayer for your momma!!!

    Please tell me you had a BL for me...please?!

    I am living in dresses and maxi's but only b/c that is all that my belly fits in!!

    GOD I hope I can make it to STL!!!

  27. Yay for crash my party. I don't wanna wait that long though. I've really wanted to read Women,Food, and God but I haven't yet. I'm excited or your post!!

  28. Constant conversation in our house: Hey Kelsey want do you want to eat...a burrito. The next day: Hey Kelsey want to you want to eat for lunch: taco bell...I sort of love mexican food. Hence the yo-you weight struggles.

  29. 3 hours of sleep?! You poor thing!!!! Also, I love that quote about home being where your pants aren't. Hilarious!!

    Thanks so much for your comment today, it is SO nice to know I'm not alone. We CAN do this! :)

  30. Pants are the WORST. I'm happy in my dress right now and long dresses mean I can sit however I want without being inappropriate... gotta think about that sometimes.

  31. I have totally been rocking dresses. Waaay better than pants!

  32. Three hours a day?? Respect - I would be biting people's heads off all day long or throwing myself on the ground and screaming like the two year old I am when I haven't had enough sleep... ;-))

  33. I LOVE Mexican food! And if you need a vacation - how's about a road trip to Ohio to see Callie and I??? We're good hosts - we'll make sure there is plenty of wine and BL Platinum (which will also make my hubs happy!)


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!