
Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekend Update - Lessons Learned

First weekend of summer is officially over. I spent most of mine laying out in the sun at my neighbor's pool, reading a new book and getting attacked my mosquitos. I had forgotten since last summer how much they love my sweetness. As a rude reminder, I now have 2304973487 bites. I look like I'm 12 years old.
Lessons Learned This Weekend - besides buy bug spray -
1. Family + Mexican = amazing Friday night. I am obsessed with Mexican food and margaritas right now. Nothing is better for unwinding on a Friday night with my cutie little cousin.

2. Love conquers all. My dating life is strange right now, inconsistent is probably the best word. But I am content. I have enough love in my life to get me through. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
3. Lazy Sundays are the best. Especially with my favorite fur baby.

4. Time to get serious about training for this half marathon. 5AM gym sessions began again today. I feel better about myself when I'm working out period.
Am I the only girl you know who can throw together a post including a bible verse AND the F-word? Yeah probably...sorry about that....
Happy Monday!


  1. Love that last quote!!! cute is your fur baby!

  2. A girl after my own heart- in ever aspect! I told you, you were too sweet! The mosquitoes prove it! Hope you have a great Monday and a great week! And give Miss Tilly a big hug and kiss for me!

  3. Bug bites suck!!! ugh worst part of summer

  4. I loveeee lazy sundays with my pup! And I"m covered in bug bites too :(

  5. The last sentence of you blog is awesome lol!!!

  6. BAHAHAHA! Your last sentence!! Cracks me up! It's ok, God loves us & forgives ;) Girl, I could eat Mexican everyday! The good thing about is I know I usually won't gain weight from it! Because as soon as I get home, it comes right out! hahah! Just keepin it real ;)

  7. 43274893274 mosquito bites UGH!! I feel ya girl. Ice cubes work!!!

    mexican and margaritas speak to my heart

    WE MUST CHAT!! I'm also in process of training for a half marathon and am literally stressing/struggling! I know you can do it!!!

    happy monday to you too g-frand!

  8. tilly is soooo precious! we need to plan a play date for her and chloe! :) I have been MAJORLY slacking in the gym! I have been so inconsistent and it is driving me nuts! Good luck with training for the half! that is awesome girl! WE NEED TO PLAN YOUR CHARLOTTE TRIP!

  9. This is why I follow and read your blog- the fact that you can drop a bible verse and the f-bomb in the same post. :)

    I hear ya about the love life. Mine is all but non-existent, so I get it.

  10. Haha I feel the same..fat get out of my body!!!!!! Yum Mexican sounds so good I can't even handle it!!

  11. I LOVE you!! And yes, you can get away with an F-bomb and a Bible verse!! You are so well rounded!! :) Now go kick that gym in the ass!! :)

  12. Half marathon. What?!? When did you decide to do this?

  13. You're doing a half?! AWESOME! That is so so so exciting! I also have 273490382 mosquito bites from this weekend... they are just the cutest accessories. Can't wait to follow your training for the half! You're going to do great!

  14. Yeah I went to the beach yesterday and got too much sun.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  15. 1. what half are you doing?! The adrenaline will 100% get you through.
    2. What book are you reading? I am always looking for suggestions.
    3. Love life - meh. don't go looking for it. when the right one comes he will come! :)

  16. love this post! and the last quote, yes!

  17. Last week I got like 7 mosquito bites in a matter of minutes, ugh. I'm cracking up at the last quote!

    The Tiny Heart
    Zappos Giveaway!

  18. BAHAHAHA YES F-word & a bible verse! My kinda gal!

    UH yes mexican & margs! That sounds like a perfect friday to me sister! & uhhh looking amazing in that picture!! Holy babe!

  19. Welcome to the bug bite club! I'm seriously covered after my weekend at the lake.

    Also I read "mexican and margs" and now I need exactly that!

  20. I am so jealous of your motivation to hit the gym! I've been trying SO hard to whip myself back to it, so whenever I see your posts, I suddenly feel like I need a little Shaun T in my life STAT! You are THE BEST! XO

    P.S. Dating life details..STAT ;)

  21. as random as this sounds, sprinkler garlic salt around where you are at outside. NO BUGS. promise.

    i love the bible verse and f word. ha. this is why people love you! have a great week!

  22. What half-marathon are you running? I used to run half-marathons, but haven't in a few years.

  23. Ha Ha I love the last one. Our favorite place to eat is the Mexican restaurant in town and with family it is always better:) Have a wonderful week.

  24. Our love lives sound damn familiar. Not that it would shock me, really.

  25. Seriously could eat Mexican and Margs every day! Tilly is so cute, just love Pom they are the cutest! When did you decide to do a half-marathon? I am training for one too in September. We can gripe about our training together! LOL.

  26. Mmm. Mexican food and margaritas.

  27. I always crave Mexican in the summer...who am I kidding, I crave it all year, but the summer is even worse!

    Yay for half training! I started getting serious last week too.

  28. Ugh, I was already craving Mex before I saw this. I love updates on your dating life, and your pup looks so cute!!

  29. Haha I love the last quote!! BTW there is nothing better than Mexican food and them! Looks lke you had a great weekend:)

  30. Mmmmmmm...'ritas and Mexi. That sounds like an awesome Friday night to me! And you are cracking me up with your Bible verse and the F bomb LOL!!!

  31. wish we lived closer. 5am is my gym time too. girl you GOT this!

  32. Can my fat join yours fat in fat hell please?

    I love your fur babe she's so cuddly!

  33. I hate, hate mosquitoes.

    I'm completely crazing Mexican and margaritas now.

    Haha, your last sentence cracked me up! Too funny!

  34. I think mosquitos bites have something to do with you blood type oddly enough. All I know is that I'm in the sweetness boat that you are in! It sucks!!

  35. I could live off of Mexican food! So good!

  36. oh yah bug spray, don't forget that next weekend!! mosquito bites aren't cute. why is mexican so good, margs and chips and salsa and guac, get in my belly!

  37. When & where are you running a half?! We should run together!! :) We could arrange a blogger meet up/run! How fun would that be?!?

  38. I'm happy to hear that you're content! And I always forget about mosquitos and regret it later (I have a million bites too). Lazy Sundays are the best!

  39. I need to start morning work outs again, too!

    And mosquitos get me ALL. THE. TIME. Ugh, hate them. Hope your bites heal up soon!

  40. Haha love the comment about the bible verse and the f word. It's totally cool ;) You go girl, training for a half marathon. That's freaking awesome!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!