
Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Sami's Shenanigans
Holy crap it's Monday again! Why is it that I can NEVER go to bed early on Sunday nights? Ever! I can deal with it today though because I only have a 4 day work week! YESSS! Friday morning I will be flying off to see my pretty little babies Kim & Cassie in St. Louis for a much needed weekend away! Here's a glimpse at my weekend via Instagram {nikkib918} -
True words to live by. I have some things going on right now that definitely apply, and hopefully I can take my own advice!

Saturday I worked my ass off in the morning so I could drink beer that night at my dad's surprise party! Did 2 miles in the gym before my Zumba class. I was so sore yesterday!

Y'all know Ms. Kelly right??? I won one of her Embrace the Mess t-shirts in a giveaway and I was SO excited to get it in the mail this weekend!! Love this girl and she definitely taught me the joys of dirty hair!
I have no idea who I have transformed into (besides the most well rounded sports loving girl ever), but Sundays are now NASCAR days. And this handsome fella is probably a big reason why! He won the race yesterday and I was so football kind of excited!


  1. Kasey has always been my favorite, I love him and nascar!

  2. I totally think that first quote is so true. I am terrified by the prospect of my move, but I know that it will be amazing. Keep at it girl, things will go your way :)

  3. Gotta love Kasey ;) Yayyyy for winning that!!

  4. I can go to sleep all weekend...but sun - thurs...I CANNOT FALL ASLEEP EARLY. Ugh! And yesssss STL

  5. Love how you now love Nascar! Best sport ever..and the men are sexy beast!

  6. I never thought I would like Nascar, but my parents love it and now so do I! I just went to Loudon with them a few weeks ago and every October we go to Martinsville. They're so fun! Not to mention camping/tailgating is a blast.

  7. Jealous that you get a 4 day week, but it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! So sweet that you had a surprise party for your dad! I'm going to see mine this weekend!

  8. Omg....that might be enough for me to start watching Nascar!

  9. Who's the hottie? I might be into Nascar if they all looked like that!

  10. Love that quote - definitely words to live by! Stopping by from Sami's Hop :)

  11. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad that I am gonna miss you this weekend!!!!

    LOVE me some Nascar!!!

  12. oh boy....a Nascar girl. I have heard about you girls.

    LOVE YOU!!!!

  13. Jealous of your 4 day work week and fun trip coming up!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. He is hot but I know absolutely zilch about Nascar. LOVE your Polar shot, looks like you kicked some major ass this weekend. WAY TO GO! So basically today is your Tuesday and I'm jealous.

  15. Yay!!! I love other people who like Nascar haha. There aren't many of us gals out there.

    KK and what about Denny?? He is precious too :)

  16. have fun while you're here!!!

  17. I am never able to fall asleep early on a Sunday either! It's so annoying!! Hope you have a great 4 day week!

  18. You're doing great w working out!

  19. I've been meaning to ask you, what are your thoughts on the Polar watch? I'm thinking of getting one.

  20. Look at you burning those cals!! I need one of those puppies to let me know how hard or not hard I am working ha

  21. Girl, you did work at the gym!! Holy crap!! Love that you won that top, too. :) Embrace the mess...I like that! :)

    Happy Monday!!!!!!!

  22. good for you for your awesome workout on Saturday Nikki! kick those calories out the door so you can indulge a bit later :-) how was your dad's surprise party?

  23. so jealous of your short work week! and good for you for killing it at the gym, i'm impressed!!

  24. Enjoy your short week! I've been itching to go to St Louis- so enjoy it for me!! :)


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