
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Am I Weird??

We all have our little personality quirks. That’s what makes us unique and interesting, right? I know that most of you do not have the pleasure to know me in real life. However, if you did then you would know that I can be quite the funky little person. Who knows why we have these silly preferences, but for whatever reason they exist to make us individuals. The reason I bring this up is because I had a conversation yesterday with one of my work friends about one of my particular quirks.

So here I am trying to be a good healthy girl and get all my daily water intake. I usually shoot for 72 oz minimum and 120 oz is probably my maximum daily. Well everybody knows that when you drink this much water in a day, that you are constantly going to the bathroom. It also just so happens that they keep it down right frigid at my work. I’m not trying to complain too much, because I appreciate the fact that it’s cold vs. sweltering hot. But it’s cold enough that my company bought us all little fleece zip up jackets with logos to wear around the office. I wear mine every single day. {Insert my quirk here.}

I can’t wear a jacket when I use the bathroom.

I just can’t. I don’t know why. Maybe I had an accident when I was little and I peed on a coat or something. I have no idea. But for whatever reason, I have to take my jacket off everytime I use the bathroom. Obviously with a long coat this makes sense. But we are talking about a light weight little fleece. My co-workers seem to think it’s quite funny that I must partially undress myself each and every time before I go to the bathroom. To tell you the God's honest truth, I never in my whole life thought twice about this weirdness until yesterday.

Weird? Maybe. Me? Totally.
Do you have any weird tendencies like this? Or am I the only weirdo out there? (I know I'm not so 'fess up!)



  1. i don't think you are weird at all..we all have our quirks!

  2. Listen my husband used to get totally naked when he took a crap until he got his watch stolen at the local cracker barrell and he learned to keep his stuff on. And now if you meet us that's what you will think about. So see your not all that quirky.

    1. Ohmygosh this had me laughing so hard, hilarious!

  3. HAHAHA @girls love fried pickles! OMG my husband used to do that when he was younger!! HILARIOUS!

    I have a random quirk, where when I wash my hands, actually when I get one of my hands wet either one of them, I MUST wet my other hand, it drives me crazy and I feel like something is wrong! So weird!!! :D

  4. not weird at all. Everyone has those few little things. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new outfit post. xo

  5. I have some of the weirdest little quirks too! Like I always wash my face inbetween washing my hair and conditioning it in the shower. Why?? I have no idea!

  6. I can't pee with a coat on either. I'm good with a hoodie with a zipper but a fleece or above it comes off. They're too bulky to move around in. I also hate it when the bottom of my sleeves get wet when I'm washing my hands. This is beginning to give me an anxiety rash so I will just thank God that I don't have to wear a coat right now and move on.

  7. That's a great quirk!! Love it. Here's one that's a little odd for me. You know how lipstick comes with that nice slant to it so it fits right against your lip? Yeah, if that slants ceases to be flat and becomes sort of more concave from use I have to throw it away. Can't. Stand. It. There's probably medication for me somewhere.

  8. Not weird at all!! When I used to wear coats and would be out - I don't think I'd pee in one either. It is strange...I think :) So you are totally normal as me <3 ;)

  9. I have some weird food texture issues. Mainly, things like pudding, yogurt, I have to dip my spoon in, knock almost all of it off, then lick it off the spoon. It takes me like half an hour to eat one container. Clearly, I also don't eat pudding or yogurt in public.

  10. Hmmm I've never thought about this but I suppose I'm the same weird, so no you're 100% normal ;)

    xo Shane

  11. I've got so many weird quirks like this, it's not even funny! Like yesterday, I left a big long note to someone at work, but the ink wasn't flowing right, and my handwriting wasn't neat and pretty enough, so I wadded it up and started all over- then coworkers looked at me like I was nutso, haha!


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