
Monday, June 4, 2012

Insta{LOVE} Weekend Recap

I feel like I must put in the typical Monday sentence that "my weekend went by too fast"! I was so busy this weekend that it just disappeared. I had a baby shower, a birthday party, a wedding venue visit, and I still had to find time to do my regular house cleaning, etc. I did manage to find 2 relaxing hours to sit outside in the sun on the gorgeous 75 degree sunny day and finish The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest - FINALLY! I'm a really fast reader and I cannot believe how long it took me to read this book! Now I can move on to 50 Shades! I sure did eat everything that crossed my path this weekend so you better believe that I am going to detox myself this week. Self control engaged. Why is it that sometimes it's so hard and other times it's not? Especially the first week after your (over)indulge yourself! Wish me luck.

First up, I have some lovely new buttons for June over on my Sponsors sidebar so please check these ladies out! sophistifunk  Sami's Shenanigans  My Life My Way  Fancy This  Simply Sarah  MessyDirtyHair Plus, all my reoccurring favorites are still there too, don't forget to show them love!

I can't believe how blessed my life has been lately! Planning this wedding just makes me feel like such a lucky duck! And on top of that I won TWO giveaways last week! Well one of them I won a couple weeks ago, but I received my package this weekend. Remember when I told you here that I won the MessyDirtyHair Moroccan oil hair products giveaway??? I was jumping up and down Saturday when I got home from the baby shower to find this package waiting on me. {See below for the pic of all my loot.} I used the spray on my hair yesterday & today and it makes it so smooth and soft. I can't wait to tell you about all the products! THEN, I also found out that I won a giveaway hosted by 5ohWifey (remember her from her guest post?) for free medium ad space on Jordann's blog at Makin Memories of Us. So check out Jordann's blog and my cute little button on her sidebar.

I went to my good friend's baby shower Saturday, and we had MagPies cupcakes. Delish! I think MagPies is just a local store though.

Giveaway goodies that I won from Kelly at MessyDirtyHair. I will be reviewing this products in the near future!

Went out Friday night for my good friend's birthday. We went to a little tiki bar on the lake. It was actually freezing out! Sorry for the horrible picture quality!

Potential Wedding Venue #?? I lost count! Tellico Yacht Club. I adore this view. The dock pictured here is where we would actually have the ceremony. I'm pretty sure we have a winner! Plus, this is very close to the spot where we got engaged so it just feels right to me.

Took my girl with me to run some errands last night. She's usually all over the car and sticks her face right up in the air vents. However, I seemed to capture her here in a moment of rest.

Hope you had a great weekend too! Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to the next one? There I go again just wishing my life away.


  1. Glad you had a good weekend!

  2. You're so adorable!!! Glad you had such a fabulous weekend! It took me forever to finish the girl who kicked the hornets nest too!!! I felt like it dragged on and on! Have fun with 50 shades! You'll fly through them and then want to read them over again lol! Xoxo sweetpea!

  3. OH YES. The dock is great. It's perfect. It seems so you. I love it!! For whatever my vote's worth :)

  4. It took me forever to read The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest! I think it was my least enjoyable and maybe that's why it took me SO long. I have yet to grab a copy of 50 Shades! And yup this girl is just as guilty of eating a lot of things she shouldn't have this weekend!! It's cool you won two giveaways! Lucky duck! x

  5. holy toledo, you SCORED with all that product! Lucky girl!

    And yay for you that you get to start 50 Shades! Can't wait to hear what you think!

  6. Amazing wedding location! I love the view and that it is near where you got engaged:)

  7. Can you send some of your luck my way? I need some. Also, you and your puppy are way too cute.

  8. Have FUN ready 50 Shades! It wasn't the BEST written book, but I enjoyed reading it!

    And as much as I love the moroccan oil product line, BE CAREFUL with the oil spray!! I thought that I'd be able to use it generously (like I do with actual moroccan oil) but I accidentally used one spray too many and my hair turned into a COMPLETE grease ball!!! YIKES. Thankfully I was just going to a casual movie date with my husband, haha!

    The Wedding Venue looks GORGEOUS as well!!

  9. Thank you for your sweet comment it made my day!! And I love your possible wedding venue, gorgeous!

  10. YAY! To finding a wedding venue! :D

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! I'm jealous of all of the moroccan oil hair products you won- I love that stuff! You and Tilly are so cute! Hope you have a great week!

  12. you will love the argan oil, the stuff is amazing. i use it on my hair every day and i love it! i am looking forward to your thoughts and review on the product

  13. Summer weekends just seem to explode with activity. Then you blink your eyes and it is over. I think this week's venue looks really pretty. You're lucky to have so many to choose from! I finished all 'the girl' books too. I kind of miss lisbeth. Did you know there were supposed to be more in the series? The author passed away and because he wasn't married to his girlfriend all his notes and ideas went to his family. They won't let the girlfriend write the final books. No fair!

  14. Oh my goodness you had such a packed weekend! Glad it was fun though!

  15. oh man, i know what you mean. i always say that i don't want to live for friday.

    that's hard to say when it's only monday, eh?

  16. What a beautiful place to have a wedding!

  17. looks like a great weekend! also, what a beautiful place to have a wedding!

  18. i SO know what you mean about food detox....i would hate to see what i was like as an actual drug addict, because i'm not nice coming off of bad foods! looks like you had a loverly weekend...thanks for the bloggy love! :)

  19. love organix products...what an awesome giveaway!

  20. I may have said this on Instagram, but I LOVE the dock venue. You look so pretty in that blue dress for your friend's birthday! How did it go getting back on track with eating? I'm the same way, sometimes it's so easy to be good and sometime I have no willpower!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!