
Friday, June 1, 2012

Fur Baby Friday!

Finally Friday! I know it was a short week, but it was also a busy one so that makes me happy to see Friday. My busy bee life has also taken me away from actual blogging vs. just doing link-ups every day, so I'm sorry for that! I have a wedding update for you, but I will just post that one on it's own. Skye is going on evening shift starting tomorrow so that will give me a chance to get caught up on scheduling some future posts.

My pretty little furry girl was playing with her new tennis ball last night and I just happened to snap a cute pic of her. Isn't she just the cutest little thing? I sure think so! Things are getting back to normal around my house with that crazy humping neighbor dog back at his own home. Thankfully!

In other business - I have some BRAND NEW sponsors for the month of June so be sure to check them out on my sidebar! I will be giving shoutouts to them soon!

Final thought of the day: Wouldn't this be nice some days?
Happy Weekend!


  1. That's probably the tiniest tennis ball I've ever seen.

  2. My fur babies are not allowed to have tennis balls... fuzz everywhere!

    Your fur baby is indeed very cute!

    Stopping by to say hi from Fur Baby Friday!

  3. aww what a cute lil furry!


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