
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Letters


Dear my AMAZING & THOUGHTFUL readers - I cannot thank each of you enough for your kind words on my post yesterday about my mama. Even though we haven't met, your support means the world to me. Thank you for taking the time to even send a thought my way. YOU ROCK! Dear new car search - I can't really complain about getting a new car, but the process is just exhausting. I hate car shopping. Please go easy on me. (PS - I really like the Acura TLs - anybody have one of those??) Dear birthday next Tuesday - I'm ready for the birthday celebrations, just not ready to get another year older. Can I just be 25 forever? K thanks! Dear Messy.Dirty.Hair - thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of messydirtyhair. It's probably the best thing that's happened to me all year. I go for like 3 days without washing my hair now - and I never thought I could! Dear Gym (I know this is a repetitive one) - WE WILL MEET AGAIN SOON! I need your endorphins to cure my stress. Dear Vols - please whoop the hell outta Florida this weekend. We need it! ESPN Gameday is in town and we need to show these boys what's up. GATOR HATER BABY! (all my Florida friends, I love I really do :) If you are coming up for the game please let me know!) So ready for tomorrow's festivities!
Dear Bubble Necklace Lovers -

Have you entered my giveaway yet to win one in your choice of color?? Better go do that now, it ends Tuesday.

Happy weekend!


  1. You can be a Gators Hater! I'm from Florida but Im a Hurrican baby all the way! lol Happy Early Birthday, and that Bubble necklace is adoraaable!!! <3

    xoxo Yesi @ For Miami and Love <3

  2. I feel the same way about the birthday thing. Can't wait for the party ... can wait for the year older thing. So maybe we should just have parties instead of birthday parties. That would probably be smart. Oh and I feel the same way about the car thing too. I think my time is coming.

  3. But seriously, if your team does not beat some Gator tail I'm going to blame it on you.

    Not really... but I can't have a gloating Gator in my house. I just can't.

  4. Age is JUST a number!! ;-) Alas, I felt like 26 was the last "cute" birthday... hahah!

    Have a faaaaaaaaaaaabulous weekend!!

  5. I totally rock dirty hair :) and love it: :)

  6. Getting older isn't all that bad. After all it's how old you feel not how old you are!! I may be 31 but I still feel 25 and the husband says I think I am 21! LOL

    Happy Friday!!

  7. I feel the same way about getting older! I'm trying to embrace it since I turn 30 next year, eek!

  8. I have a feeling I'm going to get my first bubble necklace soon!! ;)

    have a fab weekend chica, find some "Me" time, k :D

  9. is it greedy to want a third bubble necklace because i kinda do ... but then kinda feel guilty to enter, hehe.

    i love birthdays! mine is in less than a month and i cannot wait. even though i'll be the big 30. i'm just excited to get another year, hehe. i hope you have the best time celebrating!

  10. Happy almost birthday! And yes, I am sincerely rooting for your team to kick gator butt!

  11. Happy early birthday! So excited game day is almost here!

  12. I just found you through the link-up! I really want to get into the habit of going days without washing my hair. It really is better for it, but if I start it will be so greasy at first which kind of scares me LOL. I'm from Floirda yet I couldn't care less about the Gators. My friends all think I'm crazy. Oh well, I hope your team wins (: have a good weekend girl!

  13. Dear Nikki: Thanks for the compliment on my blog this morning!! Also, have a beautiful weekend, and enjoy not washing your hair for a few days :)

  14. I'm in the process of looking for. A new car too... No fun! Good luck to you!

  15. I love SEC rivalries! I will be bitting my nails throughout the entire game tomorrow. Go Gators! ;)

  16. dear nikki : thank you for the shoutout - i am SO glad you won my hair giveaway back a few months ago so we could get closer! i love that you embrace the mess! PS - car hunting is SO fun! haha! I dont have a acura i have a jetta - i highly recommend those tho! again sending prayers to your mom!! yayayayyaay ur birthday is next week! my gift better get there before hand! i hate being late! haha! TGIF & love you! XO

  17. HAHAHA to the gator hatin'! and i want that necklace. now.

  18. Oh how I wish that photo also included that bastard Steve Spurrior. I still hate him! Go vols. you will hear me screaming.

  19. oh, i hate car shopping!! it is so exhausting!

    i need to try going longer without washing my hair... i only skip a day here or there and im pretty sure it drys my hair out.

    ps. i was totally pulling for the vols this weekend.

  20. I feel the same way about getting older. I had an emotional breakdown when I turned 25 lol. xo

  21. Happy early birthday! Were you heart broken this weekend like I was? I love my Vols no matter what but this weekend I loved them like a parent loves their juvenile delinquent teenager...We are on the way up though!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!