
Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday's Letters


I only have one thing to say: TGIF! Really it's more like TGIMFF, but you can figure that one out for yourself. Work has been so crazy this week - which is not bad at all, I love being busy but it's definitely dominated my time which means less blog time.
Dear Lake Season - I am coming for your ass!! I *think* I have finally reached my breaking point with being fed up with my binge eating ways. My weight is not in a cute place. You might not notice if you saw me, but I can feel it and see it in my clothes and it feels gross. Operation Bikini is now in progress. I'm giving myself 7 weeks (until March 29th) to lose 15 lbs. I am actually excited about it! It means less drinking, but it's for the greater good. Dear Morning Workouts - I AM GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE 5:30AM WORKOUT PEOPLE DAMNIT! Starting this morning...YAY me! Luckily, one of my friends has to be at work before the crack of dawn so he called me this morning (twice) to get me out of bed.
A sample of this morning's playlist #likeaboss
Dear Face - if you could quit being breaking out and having ugly pores, I would really appreciate that. Thanks pal! Dear Failed Pinterest Project this week - I am NOT happy with you! You are not cute and I demand a re-do! Maybe I will post pictures of the failed one then the good one when I can master it. Dear Readers - I heart you guys! Here's a Friday funny for you that I CANNOT stop laughing about!
Dear Luke Bryan (you know I can barely get out a post without mentioning his name these days...) - TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY and you are MINE! Words cannot clearly express my excitement! AND we are also looking at seeing him again in Nashville in October! My 2013 would basically be complete based solely on that.
PS - I know y'all probably get sick of hearing me talk about starting over with my workouts...again...but I appreciate all your sweet comments and support when I do rattle on about it. Your support really makes a difference to me so thank you for hanging in there with me!
PPS - excuse all my excessive language in this post... if it really bothers you then you probably don't like me anyhow...
Happy Weekend my loves!


  1. I need to get up and workout 5:30 but I keep setting 2 alarms and it all goes down hill. maybe you've inspired me. and that where's waldo card has made my day. thank you for that.

  2. I am not exaggerating when I say that I have tears coming out of my eyes at that Waldo picture. Dying. DYING.

    Good luck with your early am workouts! I mean, how can you not want to run your ass off to the tune of Cold Hard Bitch? That shiz gets me going! It's like "Hell yeah, I AM a cold hard bitch, and I'm fabulous!"

  3. I love the waldo picture! Too funny!

    I need you to call me in the mornings and get my ass out of bed to work out too! 6 weeks from tomorrow I'll be in Florida and even though I won't be rocking a bikini- I want to feel confident in my swimsuit.Plus I don't want to look like a beach whale next to you this summer! lol.

    Hope you have a great Friday!

  4. Welcome to the morning workout club.

    The first few mornings are the toughest, but then you start feeling soo much better after!



  5. I am very jealous you are going to see the ole Luke!! You have to sneak backstage!

  6. Bahahhahaa....that Waldo pic is hilarious!!!

    So proud of your ass for getting up and killing it this morning!!

    Happy Friday Lover!

  7. I LOVE Luke Bryan! You're so lucky you get to see him live :)

    Also omg at that Waldo DIY, hilarious! So happy I found your blog from Faith's! Definitely following xo

  8. I so want to be a morning worker-outer but I think it requires actually getting out of bed early so chances are pretty slim. Good luck!

  9. hahahaha, i am laughing so hard about the Where's Waldo card! hilarious!! omg!

    i hear you about the getting on track and then falling off track ... i'm doing that over here too, boo. i'm trying. i'm really trying but chocolate and wine and other things are calling my name louder than carrots.

    i'm so happy that you have something so awesome to look forward to! you can tell just how excited you are! 2 more weeks, ahhh!!

  10. I think I am about to buy an elliptical and start working at in the am before work. I haven't done that in years. The Clairisonic helped my pores and breakouts a lot, so you might want to look into it :-). Happy Friday!!

  11. It's ok my workouts come and go too, it's normal! YOU FUCKING GOT THIS!

  12. Love TGIMFF! Totally going to start using this:) I am the same way with my workouts, but think to yourself this year is going to be different. Obviously it already is if you worked out at 530 this AM. Very impressive!

  13. New to your blog... love it! No offense at all to your choice words :) Happy Friday!

  14. Hi, I'm Marquis from I found your blog via Friday Letters. It is totally adorable. I would love for you to check out my blog and follow back :)!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. ummmm not sick of hearing about your workouts! Keep us (me) motivated!!

    And your excessive language is what I love about you and your blog, lol! Keep it up girl!

  16. Boo to that alarm clock set up! We need to figure out where to meet after the concert! I prefer a bar :)

  17. oh my that waldo pic made me day.

    get the AM workout girl!

    have a great weekend xoxo

  18. I've always thought the morning workout people were crazy. I've never even considered doing such a thing hahaha Good for you for giving it a shot!!

    I prefer excessive language in post. It makes me feel more at home! :)

    Have a good weekend.

  19. I just chocked - literally chocked - on my coffee with the Wldo pic! I love it haha!

    And good for you with the workouts. I haven't logged into MFP this week :(

  20. Girl!
    5:30am workouts are MY FAV. when I get out of bed....
    Keep killing it and I love your goal!
    And the Waldo pic...I about fell out of my chair.
    Happy Friday! <3

  21. ohh my geee, let's be blogger work out buddies. I want to lose 15 pounds by March 30th so we have the same timeline!

    let's dooo this sissssta!!!


  22. You got it girl! I'm going through PMS bloat of the century so I'm feeling anxiety with the impending swimsuit season more than ever.... especially living in Vegas because trying to cover insecurities with a hoodie and sweatpants in 120 degree weather is a no-go.

  23. Ugh, I need to get back on the weight loss train. So jealous you get to see Luke!

  24. HAHAHA I love the Where's Waldo art... I cannot stop laughing.


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!