
Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Update

I had such a fabulous weekend that I'm not even mad about today being Monday. I was super productive, which always makes me feel good. I'm pretty sure work will keep me running around like crazy again this week, but I'm up for the challenge. I stayed up too late last night watching the Grammy's so I didn't make it to the gym this I will be in there tonight. Plus, I have to catch up on my DVR and watch the new Walking Dead! Here's to a week filled with good workouts, limited V-Day candy, and maybe sweet somethings from a special Valentine?? Who knows!
Here's a peek at my weekend via Instagram. You can find me here {nikkib918}!
Came home Friday night to find a little love package from my Valentine in Iowa. She painted my fav quote onto a canvas for me and got me a few goodies. Now I just have to find the perfect place to hang it!

Went to a little bonfar (that's how we say it here in TN haha) Friday night with my little boy toy. Perfect weather for playing guitar by the fire drinkin' a little beer.

Breakfast Saturday morning. I love pancakes!

I need this shirt for the concert! But it's $33 and I'm waaaay too cheap to pay that for a t-shirt.

My neighbors have creative wi-fi names...

THEY WERE ON SALE...I HAD TO! In my defense they are minis....and very delish! Everything in moderation, right?

My nails are ready for Valentine's Day...even if I'm not!


  1. that was so sweet of your friend- what an awesome gift idea!! and that t-shirt. love it!

  2. That is so sweet of your friend! What a nice surprise! And I love that mani!!!

  3. Omg I love the wifi names and your manicure!! So pretty!

  4. K so when can I come to TN and play? I want to go to a bonfire right meow.

  5. i completely need to get my nails ready for V day. i haven't polished mine in weeks and they look sad.

    glad you had a productive weekend :).

  6. LOVE your nails. I lose patience when I try to paint my nails.s
    But these are so cute, I may.. I just may attempt them ;)

    And I LOVE that canvas! What a thoughtful and great gift!!!!!!!!

    I cannot WAIT to catch up on The Walking Dead... Tuesday can't get here fast enough ;) It's sitting on my DVR, haunting me... Calling out to me... So usually I turn the tv off so I don't have to stare at it anymore.

    And, as for the Luke Bryan shirt, MAKE ONE YOURSELF! So much cheaper and original ;)

  7. Yay for productivity!! Loving the quote, the bonfar and of course the LB Tshirt. You could always make one for yourself you know. ;) love u!!

  8. Your Friday night sounds about perfect to me!
    Happy Monday to ya, doll!

  9. i'd say you had a fabulous weekend!
    i did too. happy monday! xoxo

  10. Love your nails. Perfect for this week! Love a good bonfar! (And I know just the accent to say it in) Glad you had a great weekend!

  11. everyone is doing valentine nails! might head over to my nail lady and copy everyone else because they are just too cute! you had me at pancakes AND cupcakes!

  12. Love the nails sister! And also "get off my lawn hippie" is as good as "hide yo wife" lol

  13. Love that shirt! The pancakes look so good too! I think thats my favorite breakfast too!

  14. umm pretty sure I can personally make you that shirt for like 10 bucks!

    those cupcakes are making me super hungry at work, and I am loving your nail polish selections!

    Bonfarrrrs! I miss real bonfires, Floridans do it in little fire pits. I want some down home logs and a 10 foot flame!


  15. I love the Luke Bryan tee! He is absolutely gorgeous! My nails are not ready for valentines day...need to get on that!

  16. Love the mani, it looks cute. I agree, the shirt is too cute, but I wouldn't spend that much on it either!

  17. I'm watching Walking Dead tonight.. a little excited it's back. And I love that you have a Valentine in Iowa. That's where I'm from. :)

    New follower via the link up!


  18. How sweet of your friend! The painting is too cute! Love your nails. xx

  19. Love that you sat around by the bonfire with some guitar playing and beer drinkin!!

    You are the 3rd person that has posted a pancake as their Saturday morning breakfast...I WANT PANCAKES NOW!

  20. That is one of my favorite quotes of all time! And I LOVE your nails. Can I please have one of your mini cupcakes? I have a sweet tooth today for some reason! They must know Vday is coming!

  21. Now I want a cupcake! Your V Day nails came out so the sparkles!

    The Tiny Heart
    Necklace Giveaway!

  22. I almost went to a bonfar on Friday, toooo! But, then I didn't. So, that kinda messes up that story.

    Glad you had a good time with boy toy and I'm even more glad that you have such an entertaining name for him. Boy toy. HA!

    I will make you that shirt. You're gonna sport that shit, too. Don't be mad if it's not as cute as the one above! xo

  23. Holy balls I didnt realize that was a paiting on Insatgram!! Even more freakin AWESOME!!

    If you were closer I would come kick your ass for showing me those cupcakes not only once but twice!! My comment on those stays the same...BIZNATCH!

    No worries I still love your ass!!

  24. Boy toy????? It's time you explained yourself! And the Grammy's were awesome, right? Except I am just sick about Chris Brown and Rhianna! BOOO!!!!!!

  25. Sounds like an awesome weekend! Those cupcakes look amazing.

    The Hartungs Blog

  26. LOVE that t-shirt. It makes me soooo sad that he is MARRIED!! :( :( :( :(

  27. I love bonfars.
    that's all I did my first two years of college. every night.

    and I love your nails. and your neighbor's wifi names. and you.

  28. I love the Valentine's nails! So cute!! I don't know what it is with this accent nail thing, but I'm obsessed. I can't get my nails done without don't an accent nail.

  29. Ha ha ha ha, get off my lawn hippie, that's awesome!

  30. I bet you could go on Etsy and have someone make a shirt like that for you for cheaper.

  31. Looks like a fun weekend! I love that CS Lewis quote canvas!

  32. Can't go wrong with bonfires and pancakes! The get off my laugh hippie made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. I'm easily amused I guess. ;)

  33. Pancakes! Uh! They love me! Bonfar.. Bahaha! Imagine people with no front teeth saying that 3 times fast.

  34. What an adorable little valentines glitter nail!

    =) Brooke

  35. Looks like a wonderful weekend! Love the canvas your friend painted!

  36. Haha seriously...people always come up with the strangest wifi's!!


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