
Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Update

Monday... I am totally hating on Monday today! I am just not interested in playing the Monday game. It's snowing today...the average high for this time of the year is low 60's and today it's snowing. This never ending winter weather has me in a funk and I just want to hibernate.
Craft night was a success Friday! I was pretty proud of my little creation. The rest of the weekend I was lazy like it was my job. I managed to drag myself out of the house for a few errands on Saturday, church & grocery shopping on Sunday but other than that I was a homebody. The weather was grey & rainy all weekend so that definitely did not help matters. I stuffed my face and didn't work out at all...oops! I am in a PMS-induced, weather funk and I need it to go away!
I am becoming the queen of low key weekends, and I can't say that I hate it. Here's a peek at my weekend via Instagram {nikkib918} -
Love this quote!
The beginnings of a fabulous craft night with my work girls

My button canvas masterpiece

I just can't get enough of motivational quotes lately

Typical Tilly and I - lazy, blanket, cuddles, TV
My newest additions to my book pile - We are about to start the Joel Osteen book in my small group. I used to read all Nicholas Sparks books, but then got over the lovey nature of them. I guess I felt like I needed some love in my life!

Lastly, hop on over to Melissa's blog and enter yourself in this giveaway to win $150 in giftcards to all your fav places! Yours truly is giving away a sweet little prize to Forever21!
Group giveaway
1 // Sarah  // $15 Starbucks Gift Card
2 // Brianne // $20 Etsy Gift Card
3 // Meghan // $25 Victoria Secrets Gift Card
4 // Maia // $10 Target Gift Card
5 // Gia // $10 Starbucks Gift Card + $5 Sponsor Spot
6 // Kristine // $10 Target Gift Card
7 // Rebecca //  $20 Amazon Gift Card + 1 month large Ad Space
8 // Angela // $15 itunes Gift Card
9 // Nikki // Forever 21 Gift Card
10 // Chloe // $10 Barnes & Nobles Gift Card
11 // Melissa // $10 Francesca's Gift Card


  1. Love the name on the board! Too cute! I also am over the snow. The groundhog is about to meet the end of his life for being a liar!

  2. that sucks that it is snowing there! ewwie! It is freezing here but no snow thank god! I hope this is the last of the bad weather! I have friends visiting me this weekend and they are coming from the North so they expect good weather lol! I <3 all the motivational quotes! Let me know how you like the Joel Osteen book! :) Have a great week Nikki!!

  3. It's snowing here too :(
    This whole weekend (as for the past few) I've been a homebody. I force myself out of hiding a few times but other than that, I jump back into PJs and make besties with my couch ;)

    I love that you had a craft night!!!
    LOVE the monogram button canvases!
    So darling!!!!!

  4. No worries girl, it's snowing here too. BOO! I'm so done with the snow and ready for flip flops and short sleeves! Love your least if it's cold staying in for a craft night feels good. :)

  5. What a fun weekend!! I need a low key weekend! I haven't stopped in months and an exhausted!

    It just started snowing here too! I am so over this!!

  6. Aw loove your art project, I want to make one!! and I am becoming an expert at low key weekends!

  7. I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad you had a great weekend though! :)


  8. Jealous of the low key weekend, I can't wait to have those again!

  9. Ooooh loving that button canvas! So cute! I'm allll about low key weekends, especially in the snow! Thanks for linking up :)

  10. Oh my gosh! I want to be your friend and have an awesome craft night. how fun! :)

    And for real, Mondays are always always the pits.

  11. I can't believe y'all got snow. I am so over this cold weather. Your button letter is super cute.

  12. LOVEEE the crafty-ness. I need some of your creativity!! Did you pain the chevron or is it fabric?? I love it!

    Sometimes low key weekends are the best. Sweat pants & the couch have never done me wrong :)

  13. Snow gross. I want summer back!

    Your weekend aren't low key you're just saving yourself for LB :)

  14. Ooh fun craft time! I need ti start doing more...OK any crafting lol!

  15. Snow stinks! I told you you should have come with me! Lo e the craft night success! Hope you have a great week!

  16. LOVE the name board! I used to read Nicholas sparks too, then I was over it. That was the first book I just purchased from him recently and I liked it!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!