
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Last Random Wednesday for 2013

You like that creative title, don't ya?? My homegirl Shanna is having her last Random Wednesday link up for 2013 so I had to jump in there with her. Plus, I have LOTS to update you on! Can you believe that one week from today is Christmas Eve? Go home 2013, you are DRUNK and have flown by.
Let's start with my Louisville trip - It was sooo amazing! A 4 day weekend was JUST what this girl needed to recharge myself before the holidays. Manda and I had a little alcohol fueled fun! We hit up the Marker's Mark Distillery tour and got to taste lots of yummy bourbon and of course ended our weekend with Mr. JT. Here's my weekend recap via IG pics {nikkib918}

Found my old Britney's Greatest Hits cd for the 3.5 hour drive up! #it'sbritneybitch

Manda took me to her church Sunday and it was so awesome! I loved the service, and they have a coffee bar!

Long weekends are the best, but coming home is nice too. I still have plenty of Christmas shopping to do, and lots of volunteer work coming up for our Christmas stuff at church so I'll be a busy little bee the next week.
I just want to take a moment and count my blessings. Things are in such a good place in my life right now. So much different from where I was just one year ago. My work is amazing and big changes are coming, but I am so excited for new opportunities. My family is actually good too. We are getting along and my mom is feeling pretty good. My brother and I are talking again and that just makes my soul happy. My church family is seriously the very best. I love the people God has put in my path! My friends are amazing - real life & bloggy. God has filled my heart with so much joy. I can't help but spew about it.
And speaking of joy....I got these babies in the mail over the weekend. Sweet Erin's hubby made these for me! I have been lusting over earrings like these on Etsy for over a year but never took the plunge. The best news is: if you like these and want to purchase some YOU CAN for only $10 here.


  1. I'm annoying. anyways, what a fun time you've been having!! I need to save up so I can come party with you! :) and those earrings? I am in love. BRB gonna go buy my own.

  2. So glad you enjoyed the bluegrass state!!!!! love the earrings!

  3. Sounds and looks like a great weekend!

  4. "Can't get her outta my mind!" Such a fun weekend!!! Love all the blessings He has bestowed lately and your thankfulness for them! Makes my heart so happy! And I'm definitely going to have to get some of those earrings!!

  5. britney for a 3hr drive? yes please.

    isn't it strange to look back on a WHOLE YEAR and remember all the things - good and bad - that happened? sometimes i can't believe that 2014 is just around the corner.

    Vodka and Soda

  6. those earrings. I want.

    and hell yeah what a difference a year can make! this time last year was a completely different beast than where I am now- not just physically!

  7. YOu were SO close to me and I didn't know it! I could've come and played!

  8. SO GLAD things are going well for you right now!! Love you!

  9. So glad you had fun!! Brit Brit will make any road trip fly by! So glad you are happy and where you are meant to be at this time. Hugs!

  10. I seriously can't believe we're 1 week from Christmas and 2 from the new year. That's insane. I don't know where the time went! But I'm proud of us both for what better places we're in this year than last year :)

  11. Makers Mark distillery?! that is amaze balls!!

  12. I want to go to that distillery! I bet it's awesome.

    Super cute earrings!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed church <3

    Happy last few days of 2013...can't believe how quick it went by!

  13. YAY for fun weekends...especially long ones. My brother in law would love to go to that distillery. Going to have to tell my sister about this. haha Happy Thursday eve friend. Hope you are doing great!!!

  14. THE BOURBON TASTING! omg im so jealous i want to go on the tour!

    this trip...omg so much fun. Blate and JT?? whats better!

    next stop...Boston...???? :-)


  15. Still so jelly you got to see JT! So happy you and your bro are on good terms again. I know that must feel great. XO

  16. I want to go to the Makers Mark Distillery! How fun!

  17. Looks so much fun! You were so close to me!

  18. Brit will always hold a special place in my heart. And yeah...I still think about her getting back together with Justin. GD why didn't that work !?!?

  19. EEEEEEK!! I cannot believe this was the last random Wednesday of the year!!! CRAZY!! Thanks for everything over this past year!! Love you so much and glad you had a fun weekend with your girl and JT! Dang that boy is HOT!!!

  20. I love listening to old school music like Britney! I love your blog girl :) Keep it up!


  21. Those earrings are AMAZING!!! I have to show the hubby!

  22. So glad you had a fabulous time! My husband is from Kentucky and has a full on obsession with Maker's Mark. I went to the JT concert here in Raleigh - wasn't it just pure amazingness!?!?
    Nikki at


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