
Friday, December 13, 2013

Blogmopolitan Quiz

Since I'm a traveling woman today, driving the short trek to Louisville, I thought I would provide you with some reading material. I'm sure by now you've seen the Blogmopolitan Quiz floating around blogland, hosted by Ms. Erin at Two Thirds Hazel. I can't resist a good Cosmo quiz, so I wanted to join the fun. Fun fact: I love seeing your handwriting. So for any weirdo people like me who are into that too, here's my handwriting. Enjoy and happy weekend loves!
If I don't show back up on Tuesday, then just go ahead and assume JT ditched JBiel for me and we ran off into the sunset together...



  1. yay to being pantsless!! if only it weren't winter here.

    happy friday!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! :)

  3. I am totally with you in the "no-pants" department. Have fun this weekend :)

  4. I can get on board with the no pants, but no socks! I have fat feet though, so that wouldn't work for me! Have so much fun this weekend girl!
    love you!

  5. I can't live without mascara either! And I love that you circled every guilty pleasure!

  6. Love your answers! Don't we all want to be skinny! Haha! Is it weird that I can't go pant-less because my fear is that there will be a fire and i will leave the house and forget I am not wearing pants!!

  7. This was such a fun post and I also love seeing people's handwriting! I could use a tropical vacay right about now...let's go! :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Necklace Giveaway!

  8. I hate sock too! I don't think I can live someplace cold for that reason alone.

  9. My sister use to hate socks. She hated the feel of the line that goes across your toes. So my mom would always have to put them on her inside out hahah

  10. this is cute! i love that i can see your handwriting, haha, yeah ... i'm one of those too!

    same here with the pants. what's the point of those when you're at home? lol.

  11. ahh I hate socks too! If I have to wear them, than they have to be cute. It is the ONLY way!
    and I have a tropical vaycay awaiting your arrival!!

  12. LOVE this! i stayed home from school once in kindergarten bc my socks weren't feeling right, haha.

  13. I love that passage!! (But you knew that already!) And you're lucky the house was cold this weekend and sans pants days weren't an option!! ;0)

  14. No pants are the best pants. I love your handwriting! And your favorite quote (verse) <3 <3 <3

  15. I loved reading your answers!! Happy Monday girl

  16. you should come visit atlanta....just saying.

    we can have pantless parties in totally heterosexual way. haha


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!