
Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekend Update

This is gonna be short & to the point...
WHY IS IT MONDAY ALREADY?!?!? I took the most perfect Sunday afternoon nap yesterday for 2 hours and it came back to laugh in my face at 1am this morning when I couldn't fall asleep.
My weekend was pretty great. Work Christmas party Friday night, walked in a parade Saturday night then yesterday was a huge celebration with my re-baptism. It was a low-key but filled with friends and family. It's so funny how I have become such a homebody these days. This time last year you couldn't keep me at home on the weekends, I was a wild woman still trying to find my happy. I know I am getting older (and maybe lame) because I actually look forward to going home and cuddling up with Tilly to watch How I Met Your Mother reruns. Maybe it's because it has rained for a week straight. Whatever the reason, I am definitely not mad about it.

Thank you all for your sweet comments about my baptism from Friday! It means so much to me to have your support. Y'all are the best! But surely you know that by now, since I cannot stop saying it! :) Some of my closest friends and family came to watch me too. It was such a time of happiness!

Oh yeah and I lost 5 lbs last week!!!! That's a total of 11 lbs down. It feels really good, but I still have a long way to go. Baby steps. I just want to whine sometimes and say that weight loss is tough, but I won't today. I'll just take my 11 lbs and smile!

You can find me on Instagram {nikkib918} to see my pictures from the weekend! I'm off to a meeting. Thankful for a 4 day workweek!!



  1. WOOHOO you go girl. 11 elbees is nothing to laugh at, that's awesome work girl friend!

    Congrats again on your baptism, so wonderful :)!

  2. all kinds of awesome in this post. yay for you!!!

    and i'm right there with nights in - yes please!

    have a great week - xoxo

  3. I'm so glad you had such a great weekend! I still tear up at some of the pictures from yesterday. So happy for you!

    And 11 lbs! YAY!!!! Baby steps is right!!

    Have a great week! Can't wait to see you FRIDAY!!!

  4. I can not express how much I love this post lady <3

  5. Congrats on the weight loss!!!! You go girl.

  6. I loved that photo on instagram of your baptism, soo good!!!

  7. i cannot nap either and if i do, it'll totally mess up my night sleep.

    congrats on the weight loss!!

    Vodka and Soda

  8. I just submitted my time off request so as long as it gets approved, which it should, then I am also having a 4 day workweek as well! YIPPEE. Damn girl, 11 lbs? That's fucking awesome! Keep up the good work! Like you said, sometimes you just want to whine about it because let's get real, this shit sucks sometimes lol, but stay strong! If you made this much progress by now, imagine how far you will be in 3 months or 6 months! (HELLO SUMMER) So proud of you chica! XO

  9. SKINNYVILLE population: Nikki :

    I Love HIMYM!!! sounds like a great weekend!!

  10. I am so excited that I just stumbled upon your blog. I am trying to shed a few lbs too and look forward to following along. Congrats on the 11 lbs that's huge! Would love if you could share any pointers or tips :)

  11. 11 lbs?! that's awesome! you go girl! so proud of you :)

  12. Congrats on losing the weight!! I become a huge homebody in the winter! The idea of dragging the kids out and myself in the cold is totally unappealing to me!

  13. Woohoo congrats on losing weight!! I'm glad you had a good weekend.

  14. congrats my love!!! I am the same way, I love staying in and watch my apple tv drinking wine = IDEAL NIGHT! haha!

  15. Congrats on the weight loss!! That is way awesome!! :)

  16. Yay for the weight loss! I need to get going with that...

    And I'm following you on Instagram now!

  17. Why oh why does Monday always come so quickly?! I don't get it. AND YAY for your weight loss pretty lady! Proud of you. So much good going on right now. I love it!

  18. Really there is only word to sum up this post... YAY! except for Monday, that's a BOO. but everything else gets a YAY!

  19. I hate when naps keep you from sleeping!!

  20. Those naps are the best! Until you're up later - oops!

  21. I'm all about nights at home lately. Add the freezing cold temps and nothing sounds more inviting than comfy clothes, a blanket and the couch! :)

    Nice job on the weight loss!!

  22. Congrats on the weight loss!! It is hard, girl but you are doing it! Staying home and snuggling with the pups is best, especially in this crazy weather.


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!