
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

In Which I am Still Dating...

This post I did in March about dating still makes me laugh when I read back over it. I had only begun my dating adventures at that point. I have learned SO much during this year of singledom. I feel like I could write a book! Let me give you a little update on my dating escapades...

I lost count on the total number of dates I've actually been on. I am a firm two dates maximum kinda girl. Meaning you only get about 2 dates to make some magic happen with me before I ditch you. I know that's probably not an excellent tactic, but I'm not big on wasting anybody's time if there's no chemistry. There's only a handful of boys that I've been out with more than 3 times. (That number is 4, in case you were wondering)

I've found that I am an awful, horrible, very bad, terrible judge of age. Men who are my daddy's age absolutely love me. And I am strangely attracted to guys who I think are my age but then turn out to be babies. There's a guy who plays in the band at my church who is just so cute. I thought FOR SURE he was at least 30 - which is over my age. NOPE! Come to find out he's twenty freaking one. The youngest guy I've gone out with is 25 and the oldest is 45. My ideal range is 29-35.

Sometimes it's okay to blur the lines of friendships to explore what's there. I have some really great back up boyfriends in my life. There can come a time when you spend so much time with someone and you're both single (especially when alcohol is involved), you naturally wonder "what if". I will admit the person who has gotten closer to me than anyone was a friend and we completely blurred the lines of our relationship. I had been attracted to him ever since I first met him. Obviously we didn't end up together, but I would try again with him in a heartbeat. He might be my soul mate, and maybe he just doesn't realize it yet.

I am the female Good Luck Chuck. For some reason, guys I've dated feel the need to update me when they do get girlfriends. I can safely say that 95% of all the guys I've even gone on 1 date with currently have girlfriends now. Maybe I'm a good luck charm? For them at least? I say I'm not picky, but I guess that's not entirely accurate. I expect butterflies. And that seems like a lot to ask, but I'm like Ted Mosby looking for love. (If you don't watch HIMYM then we'll just say I'm a closet romantic)

I've had some questions asking if I'm still seeing the country boy that I first went out with back in September. Let me just tell you this boy a charmer! He asked me to meet his parents for our 2nd date. If I had a type, he would be it! We always have a good time together, but we don't see each other exclusively. Maybe when he's ready to settle down more, he would definitely be boyfriend material.

Now I realize this post makes this sound like I date a lot....but sadly that's not true. I'm okay with dating, I'm finally comfortable with it. But I'm okay with staying at home with my pup in my yoga pants too. I am flattered when people want to set me up, I take it as a compliment. Actually last night my pharmacist at Walgreens asked if I had a boyfriend because she wanted to hook me up with her cousin! Such is my life! You know what I always say, God has perfect timing. So until my man comes along I won't get my panties in a wad about dating. (is it weird that I talk about God's perfect timing & my panties in the same breath?)


  1. my friend says the same thing - she meets douchehole young'ins, old-timers or guys who are in a rush to get married and always asks me WHERE ARE THE NORMAL ONES? LOL

    Vodka and Soda

  2. bahahahaha, panties and God, that's a classic, thank you nikki :)!

    You have such a GREAT head on your shoulders and are looking at dating the right way. you're mister amazing will get here when the time is right. now just enjoy YOU and what you want!


  3. You are so right--when you meet him, you will know!! XO

  4. It is true, when you know, you know!

  5. LOL!! You crack me up girl :) I think you are doing amazing, I like your 2 date rule...I have a 3 date rule myself. Who knows if it actually works, but its nice to have a plan set in place.

    WE all want to set you up because we love you! Man I wish you could go out with my brother still ;)

    Ummmm can we talk about the 45 year old??? Girl, I am 31 and I wouldn't go out with someone that old!

  6. This was great- funny and true. Even added a panty-wad in there :) That HIMYM quote is so on-point. When it's right, you'll know it!

  7. Soooo true. You know when you know. This was a fun post to read :)

  8. Don't discount the older guys! Carl and I met when I was 22 and he was 34. Sometimes the maturity levels are even enough that it just works. And it definitely does not sound like you date a lot - totally normal. I think your 2 date rule is perfect. Just enough time to know enough about them to decide if you're into them and also enough time for them to sweep you off your feet.

  9. Love that you keep it honest at true. Thanks for sharing your dating adventures with us. I love the HIMYM quote it is so true, when you find someone you will know!

  10. I love HIMYM. And I think that is what you should look for. That spark. :) I wish you lived closer, I have some guys I'd love to set you up with. Namely my brother in the off chance we could become sisters. haha :)

  11. First of all-I love you. We are so freaking alike I can hardly stand it. I think we're friend soul mates--just fyi. Secondly--I think it's really good that you have the ability to judge right away if it's knock your socks off love or a waste of time. No one wants to be strung along--you included. And I will tell you--when it's right--it's right. I don't quite know how to explain it--but it's almost as if you look at that person and wonder "how have I not loved you my entire life?" I know you'll find him. And he just MIGHT be a sitting duck here at CU that your FSM has to introduce you to ;)

  12. Panties in god in one sentence, totally normal!! Haha! Love the two date rule. Nothing worse than wasting your time.

  13. I'm a two date maximum kinda girl too. Although at this point I should be a take any date I get asked on (which isn't very often) kinda girl. We are definitely weirdo/old dude magnets (that was kinda evident in Nashville..haha). But you are right, God has perfect timing! We'll find out "meant to be(s)" soon enough! ;o)

  14. I love your 2 date rule! I agree that when you find the right guy you will know. I dated a lot before I found my just takes time!

    The Tiny Heart

  15. I love how realistic and logical you are about this! The 2 date thing is brilliant and makes a lot of sense. Great post chica and like you said, His timing is perfect!

  16. I totally appreciate your rule. I cannot stand it when I see people drag others along because they don't want to be alone or they are trying to force chemistry! Kills me.. Can't wait to keep following along!

  17. I totally appreciate your rule. I cannot stand it when I see people drag others along because they don't want to be alone or they are trying to force chemistry! Kills me.. Can't wait to keep following along!

  18. I am sharing this post with my best friend, she keeps thinking its wrong to want to find that spark with a guy...proof that its not!

  19. Thats great that you are putting yourself out there! Go on that date with your pharmacist's cousin! My hair dresser set me up with a guy who is my husband now! Ya never know how its gonna happen ;)

  20. You sound like you have the perfect attitude towards dating.

  21. I think it's great to hold certain expectations and a bit of a timeline. No use wasting people's time- yours or theirs! Love your attitude towards everything- it's true, everything will happen exactly when it's supposed to!

  22. I love this! It is too funny, I have a 2 date rule as well!! Glad to know I am not the only one!

  23. Based on what I've learned thus far, I think you're right to hold out for butterflies. I've heard of people getting into a relationship without those butterflies, and then they break up a year later realizing that they never felt romantic toward each other. And you have to date a bunch- it increases your chances of finding the right guy. :)

  24. I think I'm a femal Good Luck Chuck, too! haha!

  25. dating is like a full-time job!! i am glad to hear you have a good attitude about it, and in the meantime, you will have some great stories to tell!

  26. Very well said! I think you are at a perfect phase of life! When I was single, I hated being single, but I also hated getting up and going to the bars where a lot of people are fake because they just wanted to take you home. Enjoy your time at home in yoga pants... that was one of my favorite parts of being single. :)

  27. I wish I was going on any dates at all. it is getting to be pretty frustrating. I can't even enjoy being single because I am never asked out. So I am trying to be ok when I don't have plans or a date, but after awhile, even that gets old.

  28. I have gone on about 10 first dates in the last year. Some people tell me that's a lot, but it sounds like it's less than you. Ha ha.

    I also subscribe to the two date rule. If I'm not feeling it by the second time we get together, I'm probably not going to. Why waste any more time?

    Also, I could have written this sentence -- "I've found that I am an awful, horrible, very bad, terrible judge of age. Men who are my daddy's age absolutely love me. And I am strangely attracted to guys who I think are my age but then turn out to be babies."


  29. Is it weird that I loved dating and miss it lol

  30. This is so me in a nut shell! Minus guessing the wrong age for men lol.. Good luck to the both of us sweet girl :)

  31. I think the two date rule is right on point! I felt the fireworks the first time Will touched my hand, and pretty much knew he was extra special by the end of date 2. I wish I had known not to waste my time while I was dating in College!


Thanks for taking the time to make sweet comments! I love reading them and I appreciate you!