
Thursday, December 12, 2013

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

Just kidding! I'm not...but I'm going to see the man himself this weekend who has single handedly brought sexy back to us. Dear baby Jesus, thank you for the day you created the amazingness that is Justin Timberlake!!

I've had the great pleasure of seeing JT in concert before. 2007, Nashville, Bridgestone Area. JT, Timbaland, Nelly Furtado, Pink. One of the best concerts I've ever been to in my life. He's the ultimate entertainer. He sings,  he dances, Timbaland rapped, I sang & screamed until I didn't have a voice anymore.
2007 Pre-Concert with my BFF Jennifer
My super excited to see JT look
This time around JT has all kinds of new songs for me. I've heard it's a 32 song set!!!! (SQUEEEEAL!!) My and my girl Manda will be rocking out in Louisville this weekend just waiting for Sunday night to roll around. We've been patiently waiting for MONTHS since we bought the tickets. Feels like forever ago and I can't believe it's finally here!


  1. I saw JT and xtina back in the day! Cameron Diaz was sitting in a closed off area in the middle of the floor - aww those days! Lol but yes he was awesome! Have so much fun!!

  2. I am a tad jealous of this....I shall be with you in spirit.

  3. I'm SOOOOOO freaking excited!! So ready!

  4. Ahhh I love JT! He is awesome! And I love your hair!

  5. So awesome and so jealous! that is exciting!!!!

    Love the baby justin gif! :)

  6. Ahh Im so jealous! I am dying to see him in Concert...the last time I did he was still in NSYNC

  7. Oh my gosh how fun!!! I'm pretty jealous of you right now! :)

  8. I'm not really a fan of JT, but have fun!!

  9. Omgosh. I am SO jealous. I don't really like his new songs, but his his old stuff. Gimme all of it. And regardless, I'd be happy just watching him stand still for 3 hours and doing nothing.

  10. I have heard it is the best concert you will ever see! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  11. Oh gosh, I can't believe that you have gotten to see him live so many times! Jealous!!! Love me some JT :)
    xo TJ

  12. That's awesome!! I would love to see him live.

  13. !!! I'm kinda jealous :) Have funnnnnnn!!!

  14. eeeeeeeeeek! Jealous!!!! You know he'll be even better than before!

  15. 32 songs?!?!? that is exciting. hope you have a blast!

  16. Have an amazing time!! That is a huge set - 32 songs!!!

  17. I heard he put on a hell of a show! Hope y'all have a blast! Can't wait to see pics!

  18. ha! that's how i felt when i finally got to see Maroon5. i was like, "i'm ready for adam levine to fall in love with me!" but all these other bitches showed up and ruined everything.

    Vodka and Soda

  19. I'm jealous! I have some friends that saw him years ago and still talk about how awesome it was.

  20. haha, you are too cute! but i feel the same way about JT so i completely understand!


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