
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winter Skincare

Praise the Lord my face actually is NOT a hot broken out mess right now. I feel like I am constantly battling my face. As an adult, it's just flat out embarrassing. I am a stress breaker-outer (that's totally not a word, roll with it). My face hates deadlines, drama and PMS. I've always had combination skin, but this winter, my skin has really suffered from dry patches. My regular skincare routine was doing nothing to remedy this problem.
My regular skincare routine is:
Cetaphil for a daily face wash
Neurtrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer for Combination Skin
Then I was also having to use my Mark Tinted Moisturizer to fix patchy dry spots

I am a lucky little blogger to get the Meaningful Beauty VoxBox from my friends at Influenster a couple weeks ago! Sometimes I am skeptical of these products, and honestly sometimes I'm just too lazy to actually use them fully. This Crème de Serum is AMAZING!
It's by Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty line. And I don't know about you, but I would trust anything that woman promotes for skincare and anti-aging because homegirl looks fabulous! I am in my late 20's and I have no consistent anti-aging routine in place, so I might old Cindy up on her kit after my little serum runs out. So at first I was just using it at night to see how well it worked. Now it's taken the place of my regular daily moisturizer, and my patchy spots are gone. It's basically like a moisturizer and primer in one. I have no idea if it's had any effect on my breakouts or not, surely it's not a miracle worker. The only thing I don't completely love about the product, is the smell. It's not bad, but just different. Definitely worth a try, in my opinion.
*This product was received complimentary from Influenster, but all opinions are my own.
Did you get the Meaningful Beauty VoxBox?? If so, what did you think of the Crème de Serum?


  1. I've almost bought this so many times when I've been up in the middle of the night watching infomercials. LOL Glad to hear it actually works, although that might mean a purchase for me too!

  2. It's so fun to read what different ladies use for their skin.

    Word to the wise, start your anti-aging routine NOW! your skin in a few years will thank you :)! TRUST ME!

  3. I use Oil of Olay for all my face stuff. I used to use Aveeno, but I've noticed in the last couple of years it wasn't as effective. I love Oil of Olay, though! :) I love reading what other bloggers use, because if my is no longer effective, I can try something else!

  4. Sounds like a great product! My skin gets so dry in the winter it's crazy!


  5. I need to take better care of my face/skin!!

  6. I keep seeing those infomercials and have wanted to try that line of skin care but wanted to get feedback from someone who has actually tried it. Glad it worked! My forehead gets really dry in the winter so need something to help! Though I love my regular moisturizer (L'Oreal's Revitalift) for anti-aging.

  7. girlfran: listen up -- the products that list "anti-aging" are just marketing ploys so they can jackup the price. the only way to help your skin from showing any wrinkles is by keeping it hydrated...that means serums, face oils, plenty of rest, a clean diet, exercise and lots of water. and you don't have to pay out the ass for it either. a hard lesson i learned after years (and THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS spent) of research/trying out products etc.

    i'm a HUGE fan of face oils and serums. they penetrate deeper into the layers of your skin to keep you hydrated and the cream on top seals it all in and protects you from the elements. however, not all oils work for everyone; my favorite is organic argan oil because my skin is dry and sensitive..but if you're experiencing dry patches with combo skin, it's likely that your skin is dehydrated. sounds the opposite but oil production isn't because your skin is oily therefore, you don't need oils; it's dehydrated therefore it produces more oils to counter dehydration. of course, you should go for a skin consultation with a skin expert but every person i know who has had the same symptoms have come back with a 'dehydrated skin' diagnosis. many in your boat love rosehip oil and jojoba oil. tamanu oil is also a good one for combo skin. all of these oils can be found at a health food store for like, $14-20! so cheap yet so effective. any other oil that goes for more than that - AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME TO SPEND THAT KIND OF MONEY!

    as for serums, you want something that will keep you hydrated all day and if the cindy crawford one does the trick, stick with it!

    water will keep you hydrated from the inside out and a clean diet free of sugars, processed garbage will keep toxins in your body and results in awful skin from that crap. sleep is when your skin repair/cellular turnover happens so a good nights rest on a regular basis is required. exercise brings the blood to the skin, removes toxins through sweat. your skin is the first thing to experience any kind of stress/toxins in your body etc so when you eliminate that from your body, you skin also benefits! :)

    Vodka and Soda

  8. The Marks product sounds good - I might have to check that out.
    Hope you can check out my latest post and giveaway to win some beauty items!

  9. I used to use Cetaphil! Its a great face wash. I haven't been using a moisturizer lately. I know bad! But my skin is so oily already! I have yet to find a moisturizer that my skin agrees with.

  10. That moisturizer broke me out! :( I love Clinique's Dramatically Different but I ran out recently and borrowed Dereck's Cetaphil moisturizer which is doing the job and no breakouts... yet. I think it's cheaper so I'm crossing my fingers because I'm balling on a budget!!

  11. i really need to figure out a skincare and make up routine... i feel so clueless when it comes to a beauty routine! and i agree, i would trust what she says... sister looks awesome!

  12. I need to find a good moisturizer. Do you love the neutrogena one? I'm not trying to spend my life savings on one. ha

  13. This is perfect timing for this post since my skin is getting dry patches too and it's driving me insane! I have to get that Neutrogena moisturizer immediately!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. I have really dry skin and CeraVe saved my life! I used Cetaphil and I liked it, but CeraVe is just amazing. You can get it at Target and they have an AM and PM lotion for like $13.99 each. Highly recommend!!

  15. I seriously need to get myself hooked up with these VoxBoxes and get myself on a face routine. This girl is 29 going on 40 instead of 30. **Sigh**

  16. That looks like it would've been a good Voxbox to get!

  17. I have super sensitive, dry skin, but the last stage of pregnancy made it sensitive and oily. I ended up buying acetal hi land it helps so much!!

  18. dude seriously...the wrinkles on my face seem to understand we are 28 but the rest of thinks we're still 13....i need you to catch on face....and then stop around when we're 21 ;)

  19. Girl I totally feel you with this post, I've battled some minor acne pretty much my whole life, you'd think at 25 it would ease up, right?! Nope. No such luck. :( If I treat my skin for acne then it ends up try but if I over moisturize I end up with even MORE break outs.. I can't win!

  20. my face hates PMS too ... it is the worst feeling when my face breaks out. it's like all the confidence disappears until the breakout does. ugh. shouldn't have to deal with it after puberty, lol.

  21. I apply Benzoyle Peroxide twice a day, and it helps with my breakouts immensely! It dries the skin right up, and then I apply Clinique's Moisturing GEL {not the regular lotion}. So far this is the only combination that really works for me!


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