Happy Friday! Better yet it's the last Friday in 2012! I certainly have mixed emotions about closing out this year in my life. I've had ultimate highs and my absolute lowest lows. I am 100% looking forward to a FRESH start in my life for 2013!
Here are some things I have to look forward to in January & February 2013:
Seeing Luke Bryan is going to make my life complete! I just know it! Plus, nothing cures the blues like a girl's weekend so I can't wait to meet up with Kim & Cassie in Nashville in just two short weeks. We will be kicking off the new year right!
I don't know what 2013 will hold for me, but I know I will make it a great year! And I know it will involved a lot of this -
With some Moscato, my sweet Tilly and my girlfriends I know that I can kick 2013's ass!
There will still be days that are hard and I cry and I miss my old life. I know this. But those will not be the majority of my days. I'm gonna enjoy my girl's nights, flirt with boys, waste my time watching Real Housewives, cuddle my little furbaby, and spoil myself.
Here's to simply fabulous 2013 for us all! Cheers my loves!