
Friday, January 2, 2015

The Year I Believe

HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!! I have always loved New Years! I'm a goofy, cliché, easy motivated person so it's easy for me to buy into the new year hype. I love everything about a fresh start. Even if it means one in the middle of March or July, and no where near the date of January 1st. I've learned that I require more than one fresh start each year. Which is an important lesson because it helps me not be so hard on myself when I feel the need to revamp my perspective on life. Basically, it's going to happen!

It's funny to look back now on posts from this time last year and be able to clearly see how much I've grown. My goal for 2014 was to become BETTER - in all aspects of the word. I would give myself a solid 7 out of 10 on becoming better last year. (pats self on the back encouragingly) In some ways, I excelled and in other ways I shied away from change and instead preferred to stay within my comfort zone. But growth can still come from even being able to recognize that. I am, overall, a much better version of myself than I was in January 2014.

2015 is different though. Feels different. I probably say that every year, but in a way it's true. 2013 was a year of mending and healing broken pieces. 2014 was about growth and finding myself. For 2015, I want to annihilate my comfort zones, all of them. If you ask what that means, I'm not really sure I can wrap it up nice and neat for you right here and now on January 2nd. You know I'll keep you posted as the year progresses. In my head what that looks like is taking more risks, saying yes to things, pushing myself and having a wide open mind and heart.

I have a few ideas on how I can make these things happen. I want to react gracefully. I want to be happy with my body again, which means working my butt off to get back in shape. I want to love boldly. I want to cultivate meaningful relationships. I want to be aware of people in my life who need comfort. I want to fall deeper in love with God's Word. I want to be more organized, self disciplined and intentional. I want to write more, read more, sing louder. I want to travel somewhere new. I want to be filled with confident expectations about the things God has planned for this year. I want to believe bigger.

: to accept or regard (something) as true
: to accept the truth of what is said by (someone)

: to have (a specified opinion)
I think my 2015 word will be BELIEVE. Weird choice, I know. Leave it up to me to pick something strange.  I want to believe anything is possible. And I know with God, the impossible things become possible. If that's the only thing I believe in 2015, then that's fine by me. I am crazy excited to see the seemingly "impossible" things that I can tackle this year. Here's to a year full of believing!



Joey Hodges said...

AMEN sister!! I love you word for the year and I could probably stand to apply it to my own life this year. Ripping off all the blind folds and just jumping straight in!!!

Seersucker Sass said...

I LOVE this post!

PS - Are you excited for today's bowl game?! :)

XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

Micah said...

I have a similar hope for this year, but my word is FEARLESS. I plan to write more about that on Tuesday.

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

I think that is a perfect word girl and leads to lots of hope! I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you!!! xoxoxo

Amy said...

Yay, yay, yay, yay, YAY! I'm so excited to see how God uses this word in your life this year.

My word is "apply." Also an odd word for the year! But God put it on my heart, and I'm excited to meditate on it in the coming year.

Love you sister!

Amy said...

Also, travel to Santa Barbaraaaaa!

Erin said...

I think Believe is a great word to describe your purpose for the upcoming year!

Janna Renee said...

Via Facebook, you were a blessing to so many people in 2014. With your mission trip, church activities, and the love you share with your friends/family, it was obvious that you truly have grown!! I have always thought you deserved great things, and I hope that 2015 brings you all the best!! xoxox

Amanda aka Manda said...

I 'BELIEVE' you will annihilate your comfort zones! In the time I've known you, you've grown so much. I know that you can do anything you put your mind to. You know you always have a cheerleader/accountability partner in me. I believe in you! Love you! xoxo

P!nky said...

I love your word for 2015. It encompasses so much, but keeps you close to what is true! CHEERS, lady!

Life of a Little Songbird said...

This is awesome! Its been so cool to see how far you've come. You're an inspiration!
I am really excited for 2015. My husband & I have started going to a new church. We are really loving it! I am excited to get involved and see what God has next for us.
My goals are to read my Bible more, stay up with my devotion (I start one but rarely finish! ha!), to get more involved in church & to stop being such a negative person.
I pray God blows you away in 2015!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I am SO excited for 2015, I just feel like it's going to be such an amazing year.

Ashley Robyn said...

I believe that you can do anything you set your heart to friend. Set those goals and exceed them! I will be here cheering you on along the way! 2015 is your year! I can feel it!

Steph G said...

I LOVE the word believe for the year :) Happy 2015 friend! This year is going to be amazing!

Ashley said...

Love that believe is your word! And per usual with your posts specifically, great timing as I've had a very "hopeless/i give up" day. Love your writing.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

What a wonderful word for you! I wish you an amazing 2015!

Anonymous said...

Our life will never be completed if we haven’t fall in love with God’s Word, yet. I love the words you shared with us, and I believe that it is based on the positive things that happened to you. I can feel that you’re truly a good person who is willing to serve others. Just continue inspiring people, Nikki. More power!

Brent Foster @ Fairway Ministries