
Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

This Sunday is my birthday! yay me! I am officially in my late (gag!) 20's and edging dangerously close to the big 3-0! That is such a scary thought for me! I can't believe that I am legitimately getting old. I'm in my mid-late 20's....not an executive...didn't go to law school...not kids....I'm starting to feel as if my life has gone astray. Next year will be my 10 year high school reunion for goodness sakes. If you would have asked me the year I gratuated high school what I thought I would be doing at 26, I don't believe my answers would reflect where I currently am. I definitely would have answered law school, married and maybe even a baby on the way. Interesting how life works out, even if it's not quite the way we had planned for it to work out.

Here's to a blessed and happy year for me!

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