You like that title, don't you?? It's very Dusty of me! (remember my hilarious friend Dusty from last week??) Okay so right now you're probably thinking that I have a serious bathroom issue, but you're wrong... this post is actually about running. Get it, runs? You better be laughing or at least giggling. I bet this post will be some interesting google search results!
I want to share something exciting with 2 lucky people regarding the upcoming Color Me Rad 5k that I'm doing! Remember me telling you here that I was finally going to accomplish my goal of doing my first real 5k? Well thanks to my lovely friendship with Kelly from Messy.Dirty.Hair, I got hooked up with Chantelle who works for Color Me Rad! She's AH-MA-ZING and so so sweet! So sweet in fact that she has given me TWO free sign up giftcards for the Color Me Rad 5k to giveaway to YOU! Yes, you! That girl who has been meaning to make a goal to do a 5k, but just hasn't had the motivation! (Don't worry, that's been me too!)
Two giftcards to sign up for FREE for the Color Me Rad 5k in your town! Regular Registration Price is $40.00! |
So I know we've all seen The Color Run activity going on in blog land. The Color Me Rad is a similar style, due to the fact you get smothered in color! It's non-timed so basically it's a great way to jump start your running career - or just have a kick ass time, if you're a more seasoned runner. Here is a link to their website that shows all the cities the race has booked now thru July 2013 BUT if you're city isn't on here then we can always try to get it added!
If you live in or near Reno, Denver, Jacksonville, Raleigh, Billings, Phoenix, Vegas, Austin, Miami, Tampa, Houston or Detroit (just to name a few) then I'm talking to YOU!!
Wanna know how you can win these registration cards for the Color Me Rad 5k???? It's simple! Just leave me a comment & give me you're most creative idea for your team name for running the race and I will randomly pick a winner. Make me laugh!
Oh and by the way, my team name for the Color Me Rad 5k in Knoxville, TN on October 6th is I've Got The Color Runs! We are working on our hilarious outfits and I'm so so so so so excited to share this with you!

Hey girl! My husband is a nurse anesthetist, so our team name is "The Gas Passers!"
BTW- if I win these tickets, we'll be running in Knoxville, too!
The title of this post made me literally LOL haha love it - I want to do one of these color runs so bad - I need to get in shape first though !!
hahaha lordy that title is something else!!! It made me laugh out loud!!! :) Good luck running! Not sure if I will ever enjoy such activities... no matter how fun they make them!
You made me so proud!
Training to run the Vegas one in Feb! Deciding on a name this week. Now it REALLY has to be good ;) I'll be back {said in Arnold's voice} to share! Thanks for the chance!
yayayay so awesome! everyone must enter this run is aaamazing!!! i wish i could come!!! thanks for the shoutout lover!!!
You are so funny! I want to win these!! My name would be ... ah I don't know!! This is too much pressure! How about "Oh you fancy huh?" Mostly because I love that song and that saying andddd I would wear a tutu, obvi!
not gonna lie, I'm a little sad that this post wasn't even a tiny bit disgusting.
I would so love to steal the title of this post as a team name for my next Color Me Rad run. =)
What is this pressure I'm feeling to come up with a team name??? OMG! LOL How about either Kiss my Tutu or The Pink Tootsies
One is coming to Austin???? NO WAY!!!! I just looked it up and it's in February!!! Thank you so much for posting. Been wanting to do this forever!!Oh crap...I need to name would be..."Our runs got some color"?? or "Skittles" or "I suck at running, just doing it for pictures." Pick me!!! ;)
Doing a color run has become a recent addition to my bucket list!
hahahhahaaa, the title killed me! :) good one girl! and YES, very "Dusty" like!
best of luck with the fun! I wish I could join you, but I simply cannot run. ;)
So funny! I love this post & I heart your blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)
Color runs look so fun!
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