Motivation is something that I have been completely lacking all areas really. My focus on "fixing myself" keeps getting blurred or pushed to the side. It keeps me up at night, this urge to fix myself. I dream up who I want to be, but then never take the action steps. When it comes to internal problems, I am very much an avoider. External problems - meaning involving others - I like to deal with head on, but when it's an internal struggle I have a much more difficult time being real with myself. If that makes sense...
Anyhow - TODAY is my day to start fresh. When you get to the point that you sick of your own bullshit, you know it's time. It's time to get my life back, my sanity back, my hot body back. It's just time. Today is the day to be thankful. Thankful for lessons learned, true friendships, the opportunity to rebuild and support that comes from the most unexpected of places! No more excuses. No more putting it off. I deserve this moment to focus on myself.
What are you thankful for today??

I'm thankful for so much. But, lately, I'm most thankful for my friends (including blogger friends) and family that have helped me through the past two months.
I have been in a funk lately and have not been thankful for much. I have to say that I am thankful for my family and friends!
I know the feeling and am right there with you. I am thankful for my amazing support system who keeps telling me that everything will work out eventually!
i know how you feel. especially dreaming up what you could be and then not going through with things. it's so easy to dream but so hard to accomplish. but all the hard work will pay off in the end, i hope you acheive what you are looking for! xo
I feel the same way girl!! P.s Luke is coming Saturday (;
You got it lady!
I tell myself this all time! Sometimes I get so wrapped up in everything that is going wrong that I forget to appreciate all the little things that are going right! It's amazing how much that can change my day. :)
You can do this!! Thankful for YOU! :)
I feel ya on getting the hot body back! Good for you for putting some motivation out there!
we all go through these times... i think it can get overwhelming and sometimes it's easier just to avoid things you want to change.
and i love that quote, it definitely helps keep things in perspective :)
My mamma always says, "You can do it mighty trojan!" (Don't think about how that's a condom brand. Ha.) :) Good luck with the motivation, lady! Love that quote.
I'm thankful for the weekends although they sabotage my diet and exercise!
Word on needing more motivation. On basically every area of my life. haha
I'm thankful for a swimming pool, a dog, and all of my beautiful friends who are scattered across the country. :)
looooove this. i am thankful for great bloggy people like you!
girl I am right there with u! Let's motivate eachother. I have been in a funk as well and I just need a change! :)
We all get into our own little funks but it is good to remember to be thenkful for what you have! xoxo!
I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS. You've done it before! You got this! I'm thankful to have you as a friend and for simply waking up this morning. It's easy to forget the little things sometimes but I'm just happy to be healthy and young and still have the ability to enjoy life!
You can do this lady! I have been in a bit of a funk lately as well, so I know how you feel! Just keep your head up and everything will work out!
You can do this!!!
I know you can do it! Once I get in a workout groove I sort of get into the habit and it becomes easier. Today I am grateful for good friends.
I'm that annoying person that always interjects "WELL there are people starving in Africa!" when someone is being a whiner. Or when Andy complains about work, I'm like "you're lucky to have a master's degree and a good paying job". There IS always something to be thankful for!
I can so relate to how you are feeling! I am thankful for my family and my friends and for all the blogging friends I have met. I have a body that may not be perfect but it is able to move and workout so for that I am thankful! Let's rock this together, girly!
i'm thankful for you making me laugh when you said "time to get my hot body back"....i'm sorry, when were you ever not hot?
Love this quote, It is so true!!
You've got this. I loved that you said "sick of your own bullshit". I BS myself all the dang time. Definitely something I want to continue working on.
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