Listening...Luke Bryan's new Spring Break cd, makes me so pumped for the lake this summer! And I am obsessed with Lady A's new Downtown song. Still on my country kick apparently.
healthy this week, no cheating, even if it kills me. I need to see some results with weight loss! Why is it that it's sooooo easy to pack on the pounds but hard as hell to work them back off? Healthy Choice Frozen Greek Yogurt in Vanilla Bean is definitely one of my fav snacks - only 100 cals and tastes like ice cream!
One of my favs...especially since I struggle with mindless "binge" eating |
I am diet mountain dew fiend! I know I should go easy on the aspartame, but damn that stuff is delicious!
Also, definitely making an effort to drink less alcohol these days for the sole purpose of not drinking my calories.
bright pink polish on my nails & toes - getting ready for spring!
Feeling...sore, but in a good way. Satisfied that I pushed myself to get out of my warm bed and to the gym this morning. Fulfilled & Thankful! Looking forward to my dinner & movie date tomorrow night with my work girls and happy hour Thursday night with old friends!
Weather...54 and cloudy today, but supposed to be sunny and warm again by the weekend. And speaking of warmer weather this girl needs a tan...BAD! find a money tree. Anybody know where I can find one? To find out what happens in Beautiful Redemption (Book 4 of the Beautiful Creatures series)! I finished reading Beautiful Chaos last night and holy cliffhanger, I am dying to see what happens, even though I don't think it will be the obvious answer.
Thinking...about relationships in my life and how I can be a better sister/daughter/friend (deep, I know haha) social media fixes, my current surge of willpower, my Polar HRM, unlimited text messages, my blog friends and all the love and support you guys offer me