ONE - I'm leaving work today at noon because I'm in a wedding this weekend that's about an hour away. Let me just clear the air by saying I have the WORST attitude about this. I'm just ready for it to be O-V-E-R!! The whole process has been a pain in the ass, and I just don't want to do it. I'm awful, but it's true. My plan is to get real drunk so nobody there is tempted to ask me to be a bridesmaid again in the near future :)
THREE - I know errrrrybody wants an update on my country boy situation - and we are still seeing each other. I've seen him pretty regularly since our first date. Hell he asked me to meet his parents for our 2nd date! He's really adorable. We've had lots of real talk about relationships and marriage and family so who knows what will happen. Funny story, we were sitting at the bar of a restaurant the other night and the ladies next to us apparently overheard our conversation. One of them looked over at us and said "How long have y'all been married because you sound like an old married couple?". I died laughing. But don't get it twisted, we aren't exclusive or anything yet! I'm still playing the field so if you come across any LB look alikes, send them my way.
FOUR - I'm cutting my own bangs on Sunday. I've made the decision and I'm respectfully going to wait until after the wedding to do it...just in case I come out looking like Lloyd Christmas.
FIVE - this!
Happy Weekend lovebugs! XOXOXO

Your relationship makes me happy! careful cutting them bangs....makes me a little nervous here.
Ohhhh can't wait to hear more about this boy! Have a great weekend, girl!
I cut my own bangs ALL the time! It's not hard if you know what you are doing. Tip: DO NOT CUT STRAIGHT ACROSS! Haha!
Awe I hope you're able to still have a good time at the wedding!! Make the best of it :)
And yay for you and country boy!
hahahah #1 is making me laugh. weddings are stressful. i can't imagine ever planning one. YIKES. love #5 too!
love it!! happy weekend, wishing you lots of wine and fun at the dreaded wedding (ive noticed that sometimes the ones i dread the most are the ones i end up having the most fun at!)
J. COle. YES
except omg...i am beyond beyond over the crooked smile song!! haha i loved it but now its overplayed an everytime i hear it i scream! hahaha
so happy you and country boy are doing amazing!! and love the bar story haha too funny
Literally laughing at the Lloyd picture! So much yes.
Yay for Country Boy boytoy and yay for taking it at your own pace.
Fun story: I had a dream the other night that Dereck and I were at some seminar and J. Cole was the speaker (?) and I went up to meet him and he kissed me on the cheek! I never dream about celebrities so that was random. Sorry for the disgusting run on sentence.
Hope you have a great weekend!
SO happy the boy thing is still going so well!! And I completely know where you're coming from on the wedding thing. I've been in a wedding before where the bride forgot that we aren't all millionaires. I was SO ready to leave the reception and be done with the wedding... and to this day, haven't talked to the bride since. Some brides just get so wrapped up in "their day" that they forget it isn't #1 on everyone else's priority list!
I love Lloyd but I pray your bangs don't turn out like that. No pants & wine (or maybe beer)... all weekend over here. Lord help my neighbors. Hope you have a good weekend despite the wedding!
I love everything about this post. Except the terrible wedding experience. I am with you, I don't enjoy them (ever), so I am glad I haven't been asked to stand up in one. LOL the perks of not having any girl friends? And good luck with the bangs, I think they will look adorable!
cheers to the freakin' weekend! and sorry about the wedding drama. i hate weddings!
I say pack your bags and come to KC for my shower instead! Maybe I can't drink with ya but I would supply you with the booze! :)
You already know this but I am sooo happy that you and Lukey Boy are hitting it off!! However, if I see a hot, rich man I am so sending him your way.
LOVE your face!
I say pack your bags and come to KC for my shower instead! Maybe I can't drink with ya but I would supply you with the booze! :)
You already know this but I am sooo happy that you and Lukey Boy are hitting it off!! However, if I see a hot, rich man I am so sending him your way.
LOVE your face!
Umm please be kind to your bangs, ha! I think we need MORE pictures of this cute country boy!!
I feel like that sign was the story of my life this week. My week night drinking is starting to make me judge myself haha
I'm not even sure I know how to formulate a response to this post as a whole, but I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU and I MISS YOU and BRING FIREBALL MINI BOTTLES IN YOUR PURSE THIS WEEKEND, DUH. Also, you know I send you a big ol' thumbs up to Mr. Cutie Country Boy ;)
I don't know why I'm just now seeing your blog make over but I'm loving it!! Good luck with cutting the bangs and the wedding! :)
laughing out loud at number one. You go and get drunk girl!! PS are you coming to the LB concert in Nashville? Pretty please say yes!
Haha, I love your plan of getting so drunk that you'll never need to be a bridesmaid again :) It makes me happy to hear things are going well with the country boy!
The Tiny Heart
Hope the wedding goes quickly or you get drunk enough to forget!! Glad country boy is still holding up his end of the cute couple! Love that sign!!
aaahh! found you on the linkup and pumped bc i'm a lover of everything that glitters, is gold, and growls too!! ;) love it!!! pupmamas are the best. excited to be a new follower, girlie!!!
cut your own bangs?! you go on with your bad self.
bahahahaha - i so wish i could be your date this weekend. have fun!
and i can't wait for a bangs update!
and yay for the cute boy! eeeee!!
I freaking hate being a bridesmaid with a burning passion. It's torture. I hate it so much that I hated to ask anyone to be in my wedding. In fact, I really didn't - my mom works w/ one of my best friends and asked her for me b/c I felt bad asking, my fiancé asked his sister, and the other friend volunteered b/c she knew I hated asking. But, I think you'll still have fun and drink plenty! :-)
I went to my last weeding of the year (I pray) last weekend. I was the one drinking in the corner haha. Over them!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend despite the wedding!
Ohh I hope your bangs turn out good! Maybe you should wait until Monday evening when you aren't hungover from the wedding. hahah
I am SO OVER weddings! I got married in January and ever since then I just have a poor attitude about going to any other wedding lol. I know awful! I think the wedding planning process ruined me!
Ahhh I hope the wedding is at least fun!
girlll i feel you on the wedding sitch. that's how it was for the wedding i was in in Feb... but next saturday is my BESTIE's wedding and I'm the MOH and I'm SOOO excited!!! But, i've only ever been to two weddings that I wasn't it...honestly, i wish people would tstop asking me to be in their weddings bc as terrible as it sounds, it's just not as fun as just being a guest !! lol! exception of course being my best best friends!
This is such a sweet post and such a great linkup! Can't wait to read more! :)
I'm dying over #1! This is why I love you!
oh my gosh...i love the picture you chose to go with the bangs story! hope those turned out for you. and girl, i feel for you...being a bridesmaid is a)expensive and b)kinda a pain...hope you made it through with some wine...ok a lot of wine!
oh my gosh...i love the picture you chose to go with the bangs story! hope those turned out for you. and girl, i feel for you...being a bridesmaid is a)expensive and b)kinda a pain...hope you made it through with some wine...ok a lot of wine!
pants = no, wine = yes pretty much sums up my life.
I can't believe you don't like being a bridesmaid! I love it. I sometimes have to tell the bride, "No, I won't buy pewter pumps for a million dollars since I already have pewter slingbacks", but oh well, haha. The girls asking y'all that is too funny!
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