It's Bama eve baby! Bama hate week is HUGE! Traditionally TN vs. Bama game is always the third Saturday in October... we got a little screwed up with our schedule this year so it's the fourth Saturday. They will win, I'm sure, I mean they are #1. #butchplease But I think my boys will put up a good fight. GO VOLS!
{TWO} Today is this sweet fur baby's birthday! I can't believe she is 3, feels like just yesterday we were driving to get her and she pooped on my lap on the way home.
{THREE} My kickball team had an 8:30 game last night. The temp at 8:30 last night was 42 degrees. EFFING COLD! I had to cave and turn the heat on when I got home just to warm up. We lost...but we celebrated with the other team like we both won. And that's what sportsmanship is all about. One of the guys on our team got pissed because we had gone to pre-game. Some people are too competitive and it really annoys me. IT'S A REC LEAGUE!
{FOUR} I want to change up my hair! It's so dry and nasty from all the blonde this year. It needs a re-charge. I always get the urge to go dark in the fall/winter. But it completely washes me out, and I am only one shade lighter than Casper right now.
{FIVE} My Hal Pal got to go see LB last night! So in honor of her, and really just because I can't get enough of him and neither can you...here's your man candy for today!

Billys gonna be LB for Halloween and I'm gonna be the 'country girl shaking it for him' haha
happy birthday, tilly!!! :)
also, LB is coming to c'bus in january. justttt sayin...
and thirdly, you know i will be cheering for UT bigtime this weekend! i hate bama! who is UT's biggest rival? i always thought it was florida, because my UT-fan exboyfriend hated them. haha.
Can I just say that we pregamed for EVERY kickball game in the spring and I always played MUCH better! Tell him to suck off!
Happy birthday, silly Tilly!! And that Bama picture still cracks me up every time I look at it. #butchplease I'm just hoping for a #nottotallyembarrassing game tomorrow.
BEAT BAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always darken my hair in the winter too...try a warm auburn/brown to keep the wash out away. I'm sure you'll look lovely!
happy friday
Aww...Happy Birthday to sweet Tilly! I can't believe she pooped in your lap though. I want to change up my hair too but I don't know what I'd do.
Hope you have a great weekend and GO VOLS, BEAT BAMA!
Your on a kickball team? That is awesome!
Aw happy bday to your fur baby! My baby is the same age as yours, just a couple months older! They need to stop growing up. =(
Have a great weekend
Happy birthday to Tilly! They grow up so fast! Have a great weekend :)
The Tiny Heart
BAHA! WHAT is going on in that first picture!? Not sure if it's funny or terrifying.
Happy Birthday Sweet Tilly!!!
How did you get my family pic for that Arkansas deal? Damnit!!
GO DARK DO ITTTTT!!!!!!!!! I am ghostly white too...it's all good. Bronzer is your friend!
that pic WTF?!
and happy bday to your little tilly! :)
Vodka and Soda
Happy birthday Tilly!!! I can't believe she pooped on your lap! haha
That first picture is so disturbing! Happy Birthday to Tilly! Looking as cute as ever!! What about a light brown with some blonde highlights?
OMG. I can't stand it when people get so upset about REC LEAGUE SPORTS!! That happened with my softball league that just ended. It's not even fun when people get so mad.
SO many things to say! 1) Go Vols! 2) Happy birthday Tilly! 3) My kickball team always went out before and after...and during (who am I kidding! Gotta stay warm some how). We didn't have anyone who got made when we went out before the game though. It was pretty much mandatory team bonding. I tried to do this a few times before volleyball this season and I nearly broke my ankle during the game!
I need to do something with my hair BAD! Awww happy birthday Tilly! :)
HAHA that first pic. Why???? I love the poop story, what a sweet homecoming gift! Happy birthday Tilly! And homeboy from kickball? Really? What a buzzkill!
Ever since I went blonde, I feel like my skin looks so much better and less pale Maybe warm up your blonde with some deep golden tones?
Awww happy birthday Tilly!
As soon as I came to your blog today that first picture was staring right at me. Disturbing!! hahaha
Awww your little girl is 3. :) cute picture of her!
I'm with you on needing a hair re-charge. I feel so bored with my hair, and my split ends are outrageous! What if you added some lowlights to your current color, a shade or two darker than what you have? Like a low-commitment way to change it up.
okay, but that picture??? what???!
ugghh. That photo of those Alabama folks is disgusting. PUHLEASE tell me that's not his daughter!!
and look at sweet little Tilly. Three years old to her.
YOu know, the main reason for coming to your blog (besides that I'm your number one fan) is for my daily dose of Luke. I can always count on you.
have a great weekend!!
Happy birthday sweet Tilly!!!! And yay I love hair changes! I bet you'll look amazing!
Happy birthday Tilly!
What's up with that picture? So disturbing, lol.
Happy birthday to the pup!
And THAT PHOTO. What the actual...no words.
Aww happy birthday to your pup, she's just so cute!
Ouch, I hope he's not going to cut that thing off!
happy birthday to your pup!!! i hate when the boys are on my kickball team get so over competitive and take the fun out of it! luckily they've never been mad at the girls for pre-gaming or drinking during the game... yet!
Happy belated birthday to your sweet Tilly! And you can share man candy on your blog any day. :)
girllll embrace the brunette AND some bronzer - you will look gorg!
and holy moly - that first pic is SO disturbing. lol
that alabama picture is just so wrong.
and i'm with you on the urge to go dark... but i'm seriously white right now, too and i dont think it would look good. i need to figure out some fake sun option for my face.
Awww happy birthday Tilly! What a little cutie!
Dexter hopes Tilly had a wonderful birthday.
Can't go wrong with a photo of Mr. Bryan. YUM!
Hopefully Tilly has moved on from pooping in your lap!! :) She is such a big girl now!!
Oh my gosh, that first picture! AHH!
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