
Friday, January 13, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

If you follow on me on Twitter, then you might have seen me RT info about Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Because guess what y’all? They are working right here in lil’ old Knox Vegas this week! And guess who their celebrity helper is while they are here? Jenny McCarthy! I’m volunteering to help on Sunday and I am thrilled to be involved.

Jenny McCarthy with the Watson Family of Knoxville, TN

Do you guys watch this show? I love it! I am sad to learn that they are filming the last season right now and the Knoxville episode will be one of the last to air later in the fall. I would not consider myself a person who is easily brought to emotions, but this one really is a tear jerker. Every single damn time they rally the family and they’re anxious to see their brand new home, and they say “MOVE THAT BUS!!!!” I completely lose my shit. Tears, ugly cries, snot – the whole nine yards. I straight up sob when I see the faces of the family the very first time they see their new home. It makes me feel amazing and I didn’t even have anything to do with it. They pick families who are so deserving, and often go above and beyond to fill a certain void in their local communities. This show isn’t about picking a “project” family and giving them a hand out. (Although there are plenty of families in underprivileged areas who I know deserve help). It’s about choosing a family from a tight knit community who has really made sacrifices to benefit the greater good of the area, not just themselves.

For example, the Watson family they are working with in Knoxville. You can read about their back story here. They run a non-profit organization, Restoration House, that helps single moms get back on their feet. These single moms are busting their asses due to an unforeseen bump in their life. They are working moms who just need a little assistance getting by.
Watson Family

East Tennesseans are widely known for being mega volunteers. That's how we got our mascot for the University of TN - The Volunteers! I believe the crew has not been disappointed with the turnout of volunteers in this area. I am very excited to be one of the volunteers for this cause and I can’t wait to help build the Watsons a brand new home! Maybe I will meet Ty!

If you happen to live close to Knoxville and can offer resources to help - check out what they still need as far as materials for this build.

1 comment:

Fluent Brittish said...

Extreme Makeover did a house in my city last year. It was really fun to watch all of the news coverage. I haven't ever watched the episode, though. I should.